Solar Power in Space

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As people continue with their day-to-day activities, many remain unaware that the human race might be facing unparalleled energy problems. Life without these amenities that are often taken for granted can be bleak indeed. This scenario is not impossible as the sustainable sources of energy are continually being depleted or cause more harm to the environment than the good they bring.
Since 1968 the geniuses of our time have found a way to solve the energy problem—presenting, the solar power space, space solar power (SPS), or space-based solar power (SBSP) . . . This is similar to the solar panels or grids that are used by many people to cut their energy costs or simply to help alleviate the greenhouse effect brought about by the use of fossil fuels. However, the solar energy derived from the use of panels is only a portion of the energy provided by the sun—extraterrestrial solar irradiance (measure of the total amount of radiation present) is 144 percent more than that derived from terrestrial solar irradiance. This is because of the losses incurred in the Earth's atmosphere from reflection and absorption.

Think of the solar power space as an energy collection unit in space which is transmitted to Earth for human consumption. The SPS has three components for it to provide energy: a means of collecting the solar power such as satellites in space, a means of transmitting the collected power to Earth using microwaves beams, and a means of receiving the harvested power on Earth.
This system of generating energy offers many advantages compared to other energy sources. One is that this does not deplete or use the Earth's resources to generate energy. Another is the SPS does not produce hazardous waste. Among its drawbacks are its high development cost and the need for advanced technology for it to be fully functional. Both problems have been addressed as many businesses have started to invest in SPS for commercial use. Added to this is the advances made in space technology. Possible problems which may be encountered by this system involve radiation damage of the equipment and space-related hazards such as solar storms.

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