Going Green for the Summer from Tiptheplanet (www.tiptheplanet.com)

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Clever Cooling - As soon as the temperature begins to heat up its tempting to blast the AC day and night. It does not have to be that way though. No one is suggesting that you have to give up your air conditioner completely but by following some of Tip the Planet's clever cooling tips, you can save money and stay chill all season long. For instance, did you know that by installing light-colored awning s some studies report that you can reduce heat gain in your home by up to 77 percent?!

Buy Local - Planning a couple of cookouts this summer? Help the environment and your local economy by seeking out local foods to throw on the grill whenever possible. Tip the Planet has some wonderful tips for getting the best bang for your buck when buying local produce.

Be Nice at the Beach - We all enjoy a great day at the beach. And that is the way it should be, but pollution caused by careless humans makes a trip to some beaches a not so pleasant experience. It is every individual's responsibility to keep the beaches clean and safe for everyone to enjoy for years to come. This means doing a little more than just remembering to take your empty cans, bottles and dirty diapers home with you (although all of those things are a great place to start).

Before you head out for your next day of sand, sea and fun make sure you read Tip the Planet's beach environment tips to learn more about what you can do to help preserve the summer fun for us all.

Relax Responsibly - Need new patio chairs? Deck furniture looking a little the worse for wear? Before you head out for the local home store or the nearest Wal-Mart check out Tip the Planet's guide to choosing environmentally friendly furniture that can help you relax responsibly without having to sacrifice style or comfort.

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