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Articles, tagged with "sources of energy", page 1

03rd June 2011

Role Of Glass Coatings In Energy Conservation

One of the biggest issues we are facing today is that of conservation of energy. The ever inflating prices and the deprecating sources have led to a rise in demand of finding newer sources of energy or cut down on the usage of energy. The growth in the in...

03rd June 2011

Reducing The Environmental Footprint of Farming

With man induced emissions now virtually endangering the future of our planet, efforts are made in nearly every segment of the economy to squeeze greenhouse gas emissions to environmentally sustainable levels. Efforts range from the development of energy ...

27th April 2011

Gas Turbine Efficiency

The allegedly impending crises of fuel shortages, fuel price rises and of global warming hang over the society of western society in the twenty first century and as a result businesses and governments alike are searching for more environmentally friendly...

18th April 2011

Tapping the sun’s energy for earth’s progress.

The world is going through an energy crisis today. The rapid and unchecked development and industrialization has resulted in over consumption of the available resources on the planet. This has also added to the pollution and unhealthy emissions of toxic s...

28th March 2011

Grid Connections Explained

The potential fuel crisis that may occur as a result of continued use of the finite supply of non renewable energy sources constantly hangs its foreboding shadow modern society and unless we find new, renewable sources of energy to use as an alternative ...

24th March 2011

Portable Solar Panels Promise to Cater Household Energy Needs

Though fossil fuels occupy the center-stage when it comes to cater the demand of energy, but the role of solar power cannot be ignored. The solar power is the fundamental of all energy sources and if you have it in your hand, all other sources become seco...

24th March 2011

The Best Solar Sun Oven

If you have not heard of solar or sun cooking and baking, you are in for a pleasant surprise. Cooking with the sun has been around for quite some time. The first documented research and successful results of solar cooking or baking was in 1767 by a French...

22nd March 2011

The Wind Farm Developer

The potential fuel crisis that may occur as a result of unrestricted use of the limited supply of fossil fuels constantly hangs over modern society like a spectre and unless we find alternative, renewable sources of energy in the very near future, curren...

03rd March 2011

Find the right do it yourself guide to building your own solar panel

There are DIY guides for most projects that you can get hold of in order to make any dream a reality. First of all, you need to have the determination to follow through on a particular project. Plenty of people purchase guides and they sit around gather...

28th February 2011

What exactly is Green Energy?

Everyone nowadays is talking about green and clean energy especially after President Obama’s emphasis on inculcating clean energy technology in his “state of the union” speech a few days ago. Essentially green energy is that energy which has a significant...

15th February 2011

Cleaner Energy with Wind Power Electricity

There are different sources of electricity. Most of our electricity today comes from power plants in which power generators are fueled by things like coal and petroleum. Alternatives like solar power and wind power are available as well and increasing in ...

01st February 2011

Environmental Benefits of Solar Panel Installation

One of the main reasons that many people are choosing to heat and power their homes with alternative sources of energy like wind and solar power is that they are relatively inexpensive after the initial setup costs. Mother Nature provides sunlight for peo...

24th January 2011

Keeping Off Weight With Appropriate Weight Loss Diet

The appropriate weight loss diet that will help one lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle is one that strikes an appropriate balance between the three main sources of energy which are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. This sought of diet is usually...

12th January 2011

Using Clean Energy To Save The Environment

We have been hearing a lot about the damages caused to our environment by our modern lifestyle. It is high time that we changed our life style that is making this planet an unsafe place for the future generations. When we say ‘future generations’ it does ...

04th January 2011

You Can Help Save Our Environment By Using Solar Energy

The state of the environment. Carbon emissions and other pollutants have a grave impact on our air, water, soil and therefore crops, animals and ultimately our health. Yet we humans continue to pollute the environment we live in, making our own environ...

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