You Can Help Save Our Environment By Using Solar Energy

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The state of the environment.
Carbon emissions and other pollutants have a grave impact on our air, water, soil and therefore crops, animals and ultimately our health. Yet we humans continue to pollute the environment we live in, making our own environment hazardous to our health.

Most of our energy supply comes from non-renewable sources of energy, namely from coal and petroleum amongst some other gases. Added to that we have an ever expanding population, putting more and more strain on our environment. Global warming studies indicate that the carbon emissions coming from our use of non-renewable energy sources are causing holes in our ozone layer. The ozone layer is our protective layer which blocks out harmful rays from the sun, now that protection is being compromised.

All forms of energy produced from non-renewable sources produces waste which is hazardous to our health. The wastage comes as the result of the process of transforming coal into electricity. When using natural sources such as decomposed natural resources to produce electricity we only convert a small percent of the energy produced into electricity, the other is lost mostly in consumption. This is another reason for high wastage and makes this type of energy production insufficient. We are running out of natural resources and we need to use a sustainable source of energy, namely solar energy.

Solar means from the sun. The sun is our source of solar energy and we have enough energy coming from the sun to meet all of our energy demands. If the energy is utilised properly this could become our one source of energy. Why is that a good thing? Because solar energy is completely safe for our environment and ourselves. It is in constant supply, so it is a resource which will not deplete (at least not for the next million years) and best of all, it is absolutely free! Solar panels are placed on the roofs of homes and buildings and trap the suns' rays converting it into electricity.

What are the economical benefits?

You can save about 80 percent of your electricity bill every month and if you live in a warmer climate your saving will still be higher. Solar panels can last you for many years to come and many come with a 20 year warranty . Solar energy can be used to power anything in your home, and it is a big saving when it comes to heating the water in your geyser, as the geyser is responsible for most of your household energy consumption. Although the initial costs are high, did you know that the government will pay a substantial portion of the cost of the solar panels?

Besides the benefits to the environment by installing solar panels you can also cut your monthly costs, which over a few years totals as a massive saving. So do yourself, your family and your environment a favour and opt for using solar power. The future is in our hands- as well as the power!

For more information on solar power, go to

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