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Articles, tagged with "sources of energy", page 3

24th March 2010

Solar Energy – The Sun’s Gift to Mankind

Scientists tell us that our sun is dying. It will, in time, run out of fuel, cool down and expand into a red giant. But as that is going to take approximately 5 billion years, we have plenty of time to take advantage of the solar energy which it currently...

08th February 2010

Canada, accounting for extensive biomass supply

Sometimes, when one envisions the country of Canada, rolling prairies and green forests spring to mind. This is not an altogether inaccurate picture because the nation still embraces its beautiful and sustainable natural resources. One of these resource...

29th January 2010

LEDs And Solar Powered Lights - Progress Still Needed

Ways to adopt more energy efficient habits has been a top priority world wide, but one attraction in particular is drawing tourists for not only its ingenuity but for its amazing display of lights as well. In Japan the Toki no Sumika Gotemba Kogen Reso...

18th January 2010

Home Solar Power System: Taking Best Use Of Secondary Sources Of Energy

Perhaps the best means of making best use of alternative sources of energy is to install a home solar power system. The advantages are many and include that solar power is a clean source of energy; one that is renewable and the system will not require muc...

30th December 2009

Renewable Energy Solutions to Solve the World Energy Crisis

Nothing lasts forever, and one of the things that are going to run out in a short while is oil. Fossil fuels have been used for a very long time as a means of generating much of the energy needs of the globe. From cars to electricity and plastics, these f...

24th November 2009

Basic Principles of Solar Energy

The growing needs of energy of our modern lifestyle combined with the depletion of most of the conventional source of energy on this planet have let us to face an unprecedented energy crisis. In order to sustain our life style we need to keep on inventing...

22nd November 2009

What are the carbon offset benefits of a wind farm?

With all the stress on the environment today, carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction has become a major issue. With more than 20 million tons of carbon dioxide being produced globally each year; reducing carbon emissions, curtailing waste, and producin...

19th November 2009

Renewable Energy Alert

A lot of things in life require force in order to run. This fore may come from various different basis, a number of these are renewable and some of which are not. In recent years there has been many talk about renewable energy and the positive impact that...

22nd October 2009

How to Make Solar Power Panels-Learn How to Make Solar Power Panels

Do you want to know how to make solar power panels? Is the monthly spending on electric bills driving you crazy? If it is, I bet you would want to know how to make solar power panels. Ever year, millions worldwide are switching from conventional power to ...

20th October 2009

Create homemade energy, for free!

These days the biggest threat to our planet is the increasing level of pollution. The contamination of air, water and the atmosphere has resulted in global warming which has created an immense impact on amny animal and plant species that are getting extin...

22nd September 2009

Is it Time For Solar Energy to Get Hot?

Solar electricity has been about for quite a while and most of the people don't give it some thought much excepting those who are already into replaceable power sources. Environmentalists have always adored the idea of solar energy but what has kept it fr...

22nd September 2009

Get in the Sun and have some Fun with Solar Powered Toys and Gifts

The sun, an enormous ball of energy, radiates its power onto our little blue planet just waiting for us to harness it. The energy we receive from the sun in just one hour is more than can be used in a whole year. Luckily, we can harness its awesome power,...

11th September 2009

What Are The Advantages Of Solar Power

In this day and age, pretty much everyone knows that we need to start focusing on renewable sources of energy and solar power is one of the most talked about. Of course, it’s no surprise since using the power of the sun has been around in some form ...

30th August 2009

Green Resource for Green Certification, Green Jobs Training. Green Training, Renewable En

Current News and the Need for Solar Schools With the ever-increasing need for alternative sources of energy, solar energy is becoming a more and more viable option for both industry and residential energy needs. In addition, recent advances in solar en...

26th June 2009

How to Eliminate your Electricity Bill

Renewable ways in creating electricity are from the sun, wind and water. Some issues with these Sources of Energy are - - Wind velocity varies throughout the year and is not always available in many parts of the world. Wind power is a source of ene...

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