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Articles, tagged with "energy costs", page 1

20th February 2012

Go for broker with energy consultancy

The crippling financial problems being felt all over the globe by businesses and enterprises, both large and small, is real major concern. The fiscal constraints seem to multiply on an almost daily basis, regardless of the name, or reputation of the compa...

05th October 2011

The Energy Saving Company – The Leader of Them All

Many people would want to play a part in bringing down energy costs whether in their workplaces or in their own homes. If you are one of them, you can do your role by making the big switch to renewable energy installers. You can start by inquiring ...

26th September 2011

Surface Treatment and Its Range of Application Areas

Surface treatment refers to process steps that are followed to enhance the quality of surface of any material either by altering it or by giving it a protective coating. This service today is in high demand in a varied range of industry sectors, as it con...

21st April 2011

New High-Tech Skylights Let the Energy Savings Shine In

Most people who have constructed, visited or lived in a home built during the 1980's have seen a skylight. During the building boom of that decade, they were considered "the" feature to have in your house. The glass was not really glass, it was a white ...

14th April 2011

Canvas Awnings-An excellent Way to Adorn the Sunshade Portion of Your Household Project

There are many home decorators across the world who have a desire to give their household a complete different shape and design. And, of course, for those is really important to collect the information on canvas awnings that have the ability to transform ...

06th April 2011

Daylighting: Harvest Natural Energy and Save

"Daylighting." Let the sun shine bright on your bottom line. The time has come for you to shed a little daylight on your business. Literally. Although it has become a technical term for architects, interior designers and "green-wise" accountants, "d...

06th April 2011

Green Development Delhi – A design process

Green development Delhi is a design process that grows out of a connection with the natural landscape. It is a set of informed decisions that considers the site and materials to reduce the cost, maintenance, and energy usage of the home. Conservation is c...

04th April 2011

How a Convection Microwave Works

If you haven't looked at microwave ovens for a few years, you may not even realize that there is such a thing as a convection microwave. You have probably heard of the convection ovens that all of the chefs on cooking shows prefer to use. A convection m...

03rd March 2011

Finding Environmental Consultancy Services Using D3ayat

With global warming threatening to affect the climate adversely, there is an ever-increasing attention to various environmental issues. Even many governments have already declared or are in the process of considering declaration of grants and stimulus fun...

26th February 2011

How Can You Improve Your Life So It Is Eco Friendly?

Thinking about making some green changes to your way of life and consequently helping the environment? These tips will cost you close to no time, save you cash, improve your health and you’ll be doing something nice for the environment! Purchased new pres...

18th February 2011

Solar Panels - Points to Consider When Purchasing

Nowadays, people are looking for more and more ways to reduce energy costs. One method, most of us use, is to reduce household electricity consumption, however, this can sometimes be very difficult. So what can we do to conserve electricity? A realistic o...

05th January 2011

What Could Free Water Heating Mean to You and Your Family?

With both rising energy costs and increasing environmental waste, it has become more and more important that every citizen begin to make changes that will not only benefit themselves and their family but also the environment. This can be done numerous way...

30th November 2010

A Solar Hot Water Heating System Can Save You Money

Conventional water heaters are an incredibly inefficient way to heat the water we use in our homes everyday. These systems are constantly heating a large reservoir of water around the clock so that it is ready for use when we need it. The gas or electric ...

04th October 2010

Basic Information on Solar Water Heating

Basic Information on Solar Water Heating This publication provides basic information on the components and types of solar water heaters currently available and the economic and environmental benefits of owning a system. Although the publication doe...

20th August 2010

How Solar Water Heating Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Solar water heating is the free and natural way to have hot water in the home. Whenever the sun shines it shines on the solar panels or collectors that are fitted to the roof. There are two types of solar water heating panels, evacuated tubes and flat pla...

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