How Can You Improve Your Life So It Is Eco Friendly?

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Thinking about making some green changes to your way of life and consequently helping the environment? These tips will cost you close to no time, save you cash, improve your health and you’ll be doing something nice for the environment!

Purchased new prescription lenses - What can you do with your redundant pair?

Helping millions of people around the world with sight problems is as easy and donating your old glasses. With nearly 87% of the world's vision impaired living in under or developing countries, this little act can make a big difference their lives. By donating unwanted prescription lenses you can give the gift of sight to someone else. Apart from helping with pollution, giving away your old prescription lenses will certainly make you feel good.

Collect the rain water in a storage barrel

Rain water is a fantastic and free way to water your garden, wash the drive as well as many other jobs. There is a massive offer of containers in shops, or you can create your own.

Put outside clothing to dry naturally

Lots of our parents didn't have this kind of technology, therefore had no choice but to dry clothing the natural way. If you hang your clothes out, not only you don't need to pay for electricity to dry it, but your clothes will get the fresh smell of sun and wind, something you can never hope to get with an electric tool. Some of you may worry that they many be judged unfavourably if they put washing outdoors and are concerned people may think less of them. Be proud of helping the enivorment, green is in and you can do your bit easily.

Take a bath less often, shower more

Heating water squanders a lot of energy, costs a lot of your dollars, and too much bathing or longer showering can cause health problems, too! Chlorinated water is okay to drink, but when you breathe the chlorine from the hot shower steam, you inhale chlorine in relatively high concentrations which are a hazard to your health. Also install a low-flow shower head that lets out only half as much water than a regular one.

Don't use two cars to get work, share with a friend

Car sharing is not a new topic and it is supported by authorities, but many individuals still don't do it through lack of incentive or knowledge. Unfortunately, as a Toronto lofts realtor I need to drive a lot. People who use their cars for getting to work are said to drive about 20 km each day. If you car share, then between you both, you would save on about 170 litres of fuel and 400 kg of CO2 each year, try to imagine how much you could share if there were 3 or 4 of you in a car. If you’re not taking part in a car sharing scheme run by your company, take the time to organize your friends or colleagues with similar commuting habits and save money, have a chat with your driver or passengers and help the environment.

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