solarhomes's Articles en-us How to Install a Solar Power System for Homes There has been talk lately on how natural resources like coal is dwindling on our earth and the day may not be far off, where we may not have sufficient resources to produce power. Many people of late have been complaining about the increasing electricity... 04th August 2010 Buying Solar Panel Kits? If you have been toying with the idea of installing your own solar panels at home, getting a solar energy kit is a fantastic idea. However, you have to know that it is not as easy as buying a jigsaw puzzle and solving it. There's definitely a need for s... 04th August 2010 How to make a solar water heater A solar water heater utilizes the heat from the sun in order to create warm water. If you want to build your own solar water heater, here are some basic considerations for you. Typical solar water heaters consist of heat collectors and water storage area... 09th July 2010 Solar Power in Space As people continue with their day-to-day activities, many remain unaware that the human race might be facing unparalleled energy problems. Life without these amenities that are often taken for granted can be bleak indeed. This scenario is not impossible a... 09th July 2010 Solar Panels and Power for Your Home It's a secret fact that many of us take the sun for granted, but hesitate to admit it. The morning sunlight which greets us every morning when we get up is taken so lightly by many of us. I'm not trying to criticize you are anything, but trying to stress ... 09th July 2010 Rammed Earth Homes Rammed earth homes offer an eco friendly way of living. It is a technology which was used thousands of years ago as exemplified by the Great Wall of China and continues up to the present. It resembles adobe construction in that they both use soil mixed wi... 09th July 2010