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Articles, tagged with "indoor tanning lotion", page 1

20th June 2011

Why Use A Tanning Lotion

Some people think that tanning in a bed is safe compared to getting tanned under the sun, but both can be equally harmful to our skin. The tanning industry has grown tremendously over recent years and it has become the fashionable thing to do in America a...

20th June 2011

Which Indoor Tanning Lotion to Use

Indoor tanning lotion when used together with a tanning bed is a great way of obtaining a glowing healthy tan. These days all year round a person can keep their skin tanned without the harmful exposure of the sun. You do not have to use a lotion for a tan...

20th June 2011

Your Indoor Tanning Lotions Suggestions

Whether you are a beginner tanner planning your first trip to the tanning salon, or whether you are already a regular tanner, you may still be curious about the use of indoor tanning lotions. Most people are aware of the lotions used for out door tanning ...

20th June 2011

Why Indoor Tanning Lotion Is a Must

Every indoor tanner wants to keep that shimmering glow on their skin. The worst thing about winter is the thought of losing your tan completely. To many tanners it is essential that they keep their beautiful tan all year round. We have all heard that tann...

20th June 2011

Why Some Indoor Tanning Lotions Sizzle

If you've ever used an indoor tanning lotion you know that it can sometimes produce a tingling sensation on your skin. The tingling isn't exactly painful and is rarely even uncomfortable. However, many people are afraid of this tingling sensation. They wo...

20th June 2011

The Best Choice Of Tanning Lotion For You

When it comes to deciding about an indoor tanning lotion, there really is something available for everyone. Whether you're a sun worshiper, a fan of the tanning bed or an advocate of sunless tans, these days you can find products that will give you that h...

20th June 2011

The Best Selection Of Indoor Tanning Lotions

Every one of us needs a bit of help when it comes to achieving a good tan, and we've all more than likely experienced the effects that a bad tanning lotion can bring. Such effects as the orange knees, palms and fingertips that come from a lotion that does...

20th June 2011

The Right Indoor Tanning Lotion For You

If you have decided that it's time to have that beautiful golden tan all year round then you are going to need to find the right tanning bed and the right lotion. But which indoor tanning lotion is right and best for you? Here are some of the best indoor ...

20th June 2011

Try A Bronzing Lotion

An indoor tanning lotion which contains a bronzer, when applied correctly, will help to speed up the tanning process and give your skin a warm healthy glow. These lotions have become extremely popular recently in tanning salons and can help cut down the t...

20th June 2011

Using An Indoor Tanning Lotion - Why You Should Do This

Every summer you see people heading to the beach to tan. The reason for this is because a tan can make you appear more attractive. It can make your muscles look more defined. A pale look can make you look unhealthy or even sick. This is more than likely t...

20th June 2011

Tingle Indoor Tanning Lotions

There are basically three different types of indoor tanning lotion and these are bronzers, accelerators and tingles. Here we will discuss the tingle type of lotion. It should be said immediately that this type of lotion is not for the beginner tanner as i...

20th June 2011

The Benefits Of Using Indoor Tanning Lotions

Tanning lotions are basically divided into three categories: those for outdoor tanning, indoor tanning, and sunless tanning. As the name implies, outdoor lotions are perfect when you're going to the beach or lying out by the pool. If you are going to a sa...

13th June 2011

Indoor Tanning Lotions - What You Need To Know

If a tanner is planning on going to use a tanning bed, he or she should always use an indoor tanning lotion. Tanning without the use of a suitable lotion will not allow you to get your fullest tanning experience. Sometimes it seems like tanning lotions ca...

13th June 2011

Indoor Tanning Lotions And Their Many Uses

Indoor tanning lotions only work for use in tanning beds. They are the indoor tanner's best friend. Before the development of tanning beds, people used to lie out in the sun for hours in order to get a good tan. But with indoor tanning beds now you can sp...

13th June 2011

Indoor Tanning Lotion - A Viable Option

Many people are after that bronzed look which is obtained by spending hours and hours baking in the sun. Also most people have heard of the dire warnings from many health experts that warn of the associated risks of too many hours in the direct sunlight. ...

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