Try A Bronzing Lotion

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An indoor tanning lotion which contains a bronzer, when applied correctly, will help to speed up the tanning process and give your skin a warm healthy glow. These lotions have become extremely popular recently in tanning salons and can help cut down the time spent in a tanning bed by delivering a quick, beautiful color.

Bronzing lotions used in the tanning process contain amino acids made from sugar cane, which have a chemical reaction that turns bronze when it comes into contact with protein. In other words, when it comes into contact with the skin it turns brown.

There are several different ingredients used in the process of manufacturing tanning lotions. One type of bronzer goes through a chemical process to tan your skin, while the cosmetic bronzer will just color the surface of the skin. If you want to add to your existing tan, a bronzer will work well to darken your skin even further.

Apply to the skin in circular movements before you tan. Take great care around the elbows and knees as these areas easily stain. Poor application will likely result in streaks and uneven color. A slow, light approach will achieve the desired result so don't be too heavy handed and take your time.

Clothing can be somewhat stained by some of these products, so be very careful not to let your clothing come into contact with the lotion. Also remember that a bronzer stays on the skin for several hours after application while it continues to penetrate and darken your skin.

When you've completed the application, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly in order to avoid any dark tint to your palms.

You can also look for the newer bronzing lotions on the market that offer a more subtle color. With these products you won't need to worry about anything remaining on your hands or clothes as all the ingredients are natural and water soluble.

If you already have a slight tan, applying a bronzer lotion will bring the color to life and give your tan a wonderful boost. Great if you have an event or last minute vacation getaway you want to look good for.

If you are unsure which lotion to use, be sure to ask the salon for some advice. It may be necessary to try several different types before you finally find the one that is best suited to your skin. It also depends upon the depth of tan you're hoping to achieve, so experimentation may be necessary. A good salon will certainly be able to help you in this direction. Most good salons will give you a small sample to try before you buy.

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