The Benefits Of Using Indoor Tanning Lotions

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Tanning lotions are basically divided into three categories: those for outdoor tanning, indoor tanning, and sunless tanning. As the name implies, outdoor lotions are perfect when you're going to the beach or lying out by the pool. If you are going to a salon to tan, then you'll need an indoor tanning lotion. If you want to avoid the rays altogether, you'll want a sunless tanning lotion that you can apply yourself in the comfort of your own home. Outdoor tanning lotions should never be used in a tanning bed as they will cause damage to the bed. Likewise indoor lotions will not work outdoors as there is no SPF in them.

Before you select a tanning lotion, it is a good idea to think about your tanning goals. Are you tanning for a special occasion, like your wedding day or a class reunion? Are you a committed sun worshiper who relishes the deep bronze color of a lasting tan? Or are you planning a week at the beach and want some color while avoiding ruining your vacation with a sunburn on your first day out?

The use of a good indoor tanning lotion is necessary for a tanner who wants to build up a base tan and after that maintain the tan all year round. Lotion also keeps the skin moist and supple despite using a tanning bed. Althoug many lotions are very expensive it is not necesssary to spend a fortune unless you want to.

Indoor tanning lotions are engineered to maximize the results of tanning sessions. A good quality lotion contains essential nutrients necessary for creating a deep and natural looking tan. While seemingly expensive, tanning lotions actually save time and money by providing a better tan in fewer sessions.

Indoor tanning lotions also come packed with moisturizing ingredients. A moist skin tans faster and more effectively than a dry skin which results in a better tan in fewer weeks. Additionally, active ingredients supplement the skin's cells with the same proteins that enhance the tanning process naturally. The main active ingredient in tanning lotions is Tyrosine which produces melanin. Melanin is the pigment responsible for making the skin darken. Tyrosine is added to supplement the body's normal level of tyrosine at the skins cell level thereby speeding the tanning process and preserving the tan for longer periods.

Indoor tanning lotions will also help to counteract the drying effects of heat and light associated with tanning and keep skin young, healthy and supple. The very latest dermatological technology in indoor tanning lotions also includes oxidants which prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Most lotions have very pleasant aromas which make the whole tanning process more enjoyable.

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