Why Use A Tanning Lotion

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Some people think that tanning in a bed is safe compared to getting tanned under the sun, but both can be equally harmful to our skin. The tanning industry has grown tremendously over recent years and it has become the fashionable thing to do in America and even Asia. The tanning bed emits UVA radiation and it can cause sunburn to your skin, just like the natural sunlight. Tanning either indoors or outdoors could also cause premature aging and make the skin become thick and wrinkled.

When tanning either indoors or outdoors, you should invest in a good indoor lotion which will play an important role in the process of tanning. You need to know that tanning lotion comes in various types so do make sure you get the right one as outdoor tanning lotion is simply not suitable to use for indoor tanning. Likewise indoor lotions are not suitable to outdoor tanning and you could be burnt. They contain no SPF and thus you have no protection from the sun.

Over exposure to the sun can cause sunburn which will penetrate the skin. You need to limit your time in the sun or the tanning bed to make sure your skin has time to respond and renew the cells. You should never tan in your salon without applying a lotion and you should also make sure you apply moisturizer after tanning as well. Tanning lotion does not just protect your skin from getting burnt but it could make the whole process faster especially if you do not tan easily. Getting tanned might make your skin feel dry so a good tanning lotion will prevent your skin from this.

There are a wide variety of sunscreen products specially made for children, teens and adults such as California Tan, Power Tan, Swedish Beauty, Banana Boat and so many more. These are available at salons and are specially made for tanning beds. A notable point here is that a good indoor tanning lotion should contain better ingredients compared to most outdoor products. Your lotion should deliver extra skin care benefits due to the high level of hydrating skin conditioners to help moisturize your skin. Banana Boat product are quite famous and highly recommended for tanners. They boast vitamins A and E which also helps to keep your skin moist.

Whether you are tanning indoors or outdoors, you should make sure you pick your tanning lotion accordingly. You might also want to avoid the suns harmful ultraviolet rays especially from 10am to 3pm as these are the hours when the sun is strongest. Get your body tanned during the evening and make sure do not overdo it.

With better technology we can now enjoy the fastest way of getting tanned on a bed and achieve richer and long-lasting results. Always remember that you need to moisturize your skin before and after tanning with a product that will hydrate and repair your skin so that you can achieve a nice healthy tan. There are many good quality moisturizers on the market now for you to choose from.

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Source: http://www.articleheaven.net/why-use-a-tanning-lotion-2289744.html

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