Why Indoor Tanning Lotion Is a Must

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Every indoor tanner wants to keep that shimmering glow on their skin. The worst thing about winter is the thought of losing your tan completely. To many tanners it is essential that they keep their beautiful tan all year round. We have all heard that tanning can be dangerous and skin cancer causing, but if you educate yourself on skin care and which indoor tanning lotion to use you can prevent damage to your skin while maintaining your healthy glow.

Every winter and spring millions of people flock to their nearest tanning salon in hopes of trying to hold onto the summer tan they worked so diligently on during the year. As we all know our skin looks better with a healthy tan, it's more attractive and becoming to the opposite sex and that is one of the reasons people tan and also take tanning so seriously. . Tanning lotions are what separate the smart tanner from the stupid tanner. You simply cannot afford to neglect your skin by not investing in a good indoor tanning lotion to supplement your trip to the tanning bed.

Here are a few great tanning lotions that produce a nice dark tan:

'Black 20X Bronzer'

Mega Magical Silicone Emulsion - Leaves skin smooth and locks in moisture

20X Bronzing Body Silk - 20 unique blends used to darken your skin

Suitable for all skin types as this lotion does not contain any tingle - check out my review to learn more about tingle tanning lotions

Refreshing citrus scent - Aromatherapy can be very relaxing.


Moisturizes Skin - This allows for the skin to tan easier (dry skin does not tan)

The bronzers produce a quick and long lasting tan only a few hours after tanning - Good for people who want to see instant results from their tanning

Silicone formula leaves skin feeling silky smooth - Keeps your skin moist after tanning

Zesty Lime Verbena Fragrance - I enjoy the lime scent and it's not overpowering.

'14 Karat Gold'

Ultra Advanced 14 Bronzing Blend - 14 specially designed blends to give you dark skin

Fade Defying TM Formula - Allows the color to stay longer and penetrate deeper into your skin

SunStay Technology Formula - Allows the UV light to penetrate deeper into your skin

Exotic Fruits and Fig Fragrance - Gives the lotion it's distinct smell (I think it smells like pineapple)

by Designer Skin. This is a great lotion and comes highly recommended by tanners.
by California Tan. Bronzer Step 2 Maximizer. Another great lotion suitable for all types of tanners.
by Designer Skin. Great for advanced tanners.There are plenty of reasons why indoor tanning lotion is essential to healthy skin. First and foremost is skin damage as a result of UV rays. We all know how damaging the sun and gamma rays can be on the skin and the best way to prevent the damage of vital cells and advanced aging is with the use of skin moisturizers. Every good quality lotion contains moisturizers which protect your skin from wrinkling and help to keep it supple and smooth. These and other important ingredients can be found in many high quality indoor tanning bronzers and accelerators on the market. They come equipped with vitamins, natural butters, oils such as hemp and sunflower and soy to help prevent the rays from skin damage. Let's face it - not using lotion could mean burned skin and skin damage. It makes sense to do the best you can to look after your skin.

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