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Articles, tagged with "rule of thumb", page 2

04th February 2011

The Benefits of Eating Paleo and Primal Food

An increasing number of people are becoming interested in palaeolithic, primal, stone-age or cave-man diets and exercise regimes. It is proving to be one of the best ways to lose body fat and help people achieve the healthy and fit bodies they desire. It ...

26th January 2011

Effective Communication Starts from Here

Do you sometimes feel that you are rarely understood by others at a certain communication? As a manager in one an iphone accessories stores, I did have this problem before when I entered this field after my graduation. Since the first failure of communica...

12th January 2011

Discount Time For Purchasing A Luggage

Finding luggage sets on clearance is one of the best ways you can save money on all of your luggage needs like rolling duffle. Clearance sales are something we think about only happening once in a blue moon but the truth is that they happen more often the...

10th January 2011

Time Outs Help Reinforce Positive Behavior And Discourage Misbehaving

Disciplining a young child utilizing the outing method will be very effective, and will work with children as younger as 18-24 months old. By utilizing this technique of discipline mother and father are giving the kid time to sit down quietly and alone a...

22nd December 2010

4G Mobile Broadband Reviewed

Currently the HTC EVO 4G is Sprint's initial mobile phone that uses 4G mobile broadband. But it's the promise of Sprint's 4G wireless service, with the potential to get fast download speeds and browse the Web as fast as on a desktop PC, that really s...

22nd December 2010

4G Moblie Broadband Benefits

But it's the promise of Sprint's 4G wireless service, with the potential to get fast download speeds and browse the net as fast as on a desktop computer, that sets the HTC EVO 4G apart. The HTC EVO 4G is Sprint's first telephone that makes use of 4G ...

19th December 2010

Finding Concert Schedules

If you want to get in on the best concerts, then you have to follow concert schedules so that you can discover concert dates and buy your tickets for the show. If you are looking to attend concerts by artists that you like, you need to know the concert sc...

22nd November 2010

Types of Carbon Fibers and its Properties

Since carbon fibers have been embraced in the bigger scheme, it is only worthy to take a closer look at this ingenuous material for our benefit. Nowadays, as it is now called the “new metal,” we have to be seriously informed about this then only known as ...

17th November 2010

The Secret To Fabulous Hair

Some days you just want to hide your messy hair under a hat. Then, of-course, you worry about hat-head. There is really no need to go to this kind of extreme. As in all things, beautiful hair is all about proper care and maintenance. Taking great ...

13th October 2010

The Way to Pick the Correct Wax For Candlemaking

Among the first choices you'll need to make before beginning any new candle project is which kind of wax to make use of. You will find synthetic waxes, natural waxes, as well as some which contain a bit of both - each of them having their own characterist...

30th September 2010

Sorting Through Hyaluronic Acid Skin Care Products

Skin care products today are so varied and commonplace that sorting out what works and what doesn’t can cost you thousands of dollars. In truth, however, you can cut these expenses dramatically by following a simple rule of thumb. If you found it at the...

08th September 2010

Tips for Buying Art Cases

Shopping for an art case is not the same as shopping for a briefcase. Depending on your nature of work, your product may not be as standard as regular items. Choosing the right kind of art case is very important to any artist. You don't want your casing t...

25th August 2010

A Reduced Carb Diet Plan is More challenging Than You Feel

The Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet are just some diet plan techniques that have been gaining in recognition, as more and a lot more people adhere to these lower carb diet plan plans in order to drop bodyweight. What they don't understand, subsequent...

22nd August 2010

Summertime Mineral Makeup

Mineral makeup is great all year round, but in the summer it’s especially handy. Every makeup wearing woman has noticed how makeup “melts” off in the heat due to perspiration. Most don’t know there’s something they can do about it. The following are tips ...

18th August 2010

Understanding Weight Loss – A Simple Explanation of Everything You Need to Know

So, you’ve been dieting and exercising and still haven’t been able to drop those last few pounds? Don’t fret. It is 100% possible to lose that weight once you understand the basics of weight loss. The first thing you should know is how many calories ...

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