Author Details

Claidia Phillips

Member Since: 15th September 2009
No of Articles: 21
About Me:


01st October 2010

Where Are You Looking for Antioxidant Cream?

When you are trying to find skin care products that can help eliminate wrinkles and provide the many benefits that scientists have discovered regarding antioxidants, where do you turn? Are you looking to your local pharmacy or grocery store? Do you shop...

01st October 2010

What Ingredients Make Up Great Antioxidant Cream?

When you are looking for an antioxidant cream to help treat wrinkles and reverse the damage and signs of aging caused by the sun, pollution, and other triggers, you certainly want to find a product that will be truly effective. A quick trip to the skin c...

01st October 2010

The Four Ingredients Every Antioxidant Cream Needs

The Four Ingredients Every Antioxidant Cream Needs Let’s face it, as we get older, our skin becomes less durable and youthful. Exposure to the sun and to air pollution over time, coupled with our lifestyles takes a real toll on the skin. As we age, w...

01st October 2010

Look More Youthful At Any Age with Antioxidant Cream

We all wish that we looked a bit younger than we really do. Our lifestyles have created dietary and exercise habits that lead to early aging. Sun exposure destroys the youthful appearance of the skin. Air pollution has devastating effects on collagen a...

01st October 2010

Is Your Antioxidant Cream Made of Natural Ingredients?

When looking for great skin care products, many people seem to turn to the offerings at their local pharmacies. These products are packed with chemicals and alcohols, and the marketing geniuses behind them have actually worked to convince many people tha...

01st October 2010

How Many Antioxidants Are In Your Antioxidant Cream?

When you go to the store to select a product to help you fight and reverse skin damage, do you take the time to read the ingredient label? If you are like most people, the answer is no. While most people will take the time to read the front of a bottle ...

01st October 2010

Does Your Antioxidant Cream Contain These Leading Antioxidants?

If you use an antioxidant cream to help treat wrinkles and the damage done to your skin by the sun and the pollution in the air around you, then you likely know just how remarkable these ingredients can be. Scientists have made a wide range of discoverie...

01st October 2010

Antioxidant Cream Can Turn Back the Clock on Aging Skin

The aging process can feel like a cruel joke for some of us. While there are certainly lucky individuals whose genetics allow them to maintain a youthful appearance well into their elderly years, many of us start to see the signs of aging much earlier th...

01st October 2010

An Antioxidant Cream Can Give Your Skin the Lift It Needs

Are you among the millions of people around the world who wishes you could do something to help reverse the signs of aging? Do you look into the mirror only to find yourself frustrated by the appearance of crow’s feet, wrinkles, puffy eyes, or dark circl...

01st October 2010

A Great Antioxidant Cream Offers Numerous Benefits

By now, virtually everyone has come to learn that antioxidants are crucial to better health. Taken internally, they can help to prevent cancer and can actually reverse a great deal of the damage that we have done to our bodies over the years. They are q...

30th September 2010

Why Purity Matters When it Comes to Hyaluronic Acid

When looking at various hyaluronic acid products around the web, you will note that the highest quality products always take the time to mention purity. Why is this so important? In a time when almost anything can be created in a lab from chemicals, why ...

30th September 2010

What Low Molecular Weight Means for Hyaluronic Acid

When shopping for pure hyaluronic acid, you will find that there are many companies out there that manufacture the product. While this can certainly make it harder to know which one is right for you, sorting through the choices can be quite simple. For ...

30th September 2010

Sorting Through Hyaluronic Acid Skin Care Products

Skin care products today are so varied and commonplace that sorting out what works and what doesn’t can cost you thousands of dollars. In truth, however, you can cut these expenses dramatically by following a simple rule of thumb. If you found it at the...

30th September 2010

Should I Trust Drugstore Hyaluronic Acid Products?

If you are one of the many people who work hard to stay on top of the latest research when it comes to skin care and the fight against aging, there is no doubt that you have heard a great deal of talk about hyaluronic acid. The ingredient is a naturally ...

30th September 2010

Is Hyaluronic Acid Really the Fountain of Youth We Have Searched For?

Rumors of the supposed fountain of youth have been around for thousands of years. Since the earliest times in recorded history, people have longed to turn back the clock on aging, but results have been limited at best. Today, there is a great deal of ta...