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Articles, tagged with "antibiotics", page 2

12th November 2010

Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips

This is the desired breast shape that you want to get. Almost, your breast augmentation surgery is over, but you are about to begin the breast augmentation healing or recovery process. Here is what you can expect now. After the completion of the surger...

10th November 2010

Comprehending Food Packaging Labels To Lose Weight

By Lori in Diet
Labels on packages are often very puzzling. Products marked sugar free, organic, cholesterol free, fat free or sodium free will need to adhere to standard definitions. In the event foods are marked sodium free, cholesterol free, organic, sugar free or fat...

01st July 2010

Different Kinds Of Acne Remedy That People May Make Use Of

By Lori in Beauty
Acne may be an extremely serious skin situation that influences just about all human being at least one occasion in their time of life. For some, it just will be a dilemma that happens through adolescence, in addition to an occasional pimple or even two a...

01st July 2010

Acne Remedy That You Could Utilize To Treat Predicament

By Lori in Beauty
You will find all kinds of gels, herbal potions, creams, lotions and pills that will be advertised for an effective acne treatment. Nevertheless, it will be argued as to whether or not there exists an actual permanent cure in regards to outbreaks or else...

02nd March 2010

Manuka Honey

Manuka Honey is becoming increasingly popular though out the medical world even doctors are amazed with it's abilities to heal and treat even the most serious of infections, and is gaining worldwide recognition as a viable alternative to antibiotics and t...

11th February 2010

Acne Solutions Frequently Asked Questions About The Cures and Causes of Acne

I've started getting acne spots. How long do they last? This depends on what type of spots they are and, even then, it can be very difficult to predict what will happen. Some spots will appear and then disappear during the course of a day but others wi...

03rd February 2010

Can you tell the state of health in the family by looking at their nails?

Michelle goes mad staring at her nail-bed! No, don't worry, I don't sleep on a bed of nails or anything. It's just that I have read some articles recently regarding health in the family, I read a lot about health and family life! But this article was a...

01st February 2010

Teeth Whitening Choices.

Teeth whitening had been an effective procedure to lighten the color of the teeth, without taking away any of the tooth surface. It will not completely whiten the whole set of teeth; it will just lighten the existing color of the teeth. Only a few are bl...

27th January 2010

Gullible, Easily Persuaded, to Buy any Weight-Loss Product Before You Sample it

Weight-loss manufacturers stay in business by selling you their products, supposedly designed to help you lose weight, enhance your health, increase your energy and sculpt a body you'll be proud of and inspire your friends to follow your lead. And they...

06th January 2010

Bleaching Used All Over The World To Whiten Teeth

That's why it is best to consult your dentist about teeth whitening procedures. In some dental clinics in Hayward, laser bleaching is used to lighten teeth instantly. For those who want a more economical way to do teeth whitening, a dentist-supervised at-...

22nd December 2009

Brown Age Spots Gone Without Chemicals

If you have brown age spots your worries are over. I will help you get rid of them easily, painlessly and healthfully. Your skin will improve even as your brown age spots are fading fast .No chemicals. No lazers. No acids. No harsh bleaching creams...

03rd December 2009

Best Cold Sore Treatment How To Permanently Get Rid Of Cold Sores

If you are looking for a cold sore treatment, chances are you probably have one right now! They seem to pop up at the worst times, don't they? Right before a job interview, a big date or ever your wedding day (yes..this happend to me). It's horrible, i...

20th October 2009

There are a few antibiotics of Tooth Whitening

Grin , as one says, is one's best foot forward. A good grin earns a number of compliments, makes us feel nice about ourselves and brighten others' days. What else can one ask for. The problem is that not every one of us have those pearly whites naturally....

17th September 2009

Acne Possible Treatments

Acne is a serious problem. It doesn't affect solely women; it affects men as well. It doesn't choose its victims, doesn't care about age, race or skin color. Acne is simply everywhere. Many women fight acne on a daily basis and they've tried it all: vit...

02nd July 2009

Is Permanent Acne Treatment Easier Than You Think?

By JR in Beauty
Acne can be a major problem for many people. Some only get it during puberty, and never have a problem again once they are adults. Others, unfortunately, continue to be plagued by acne long into their adult years. If you are one of these people, you ha...

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