Acne Possible Treatments

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Acne is a serious problem. It doesn't affect solely women; it affects men as well. It doesn't choose its victims, doesn't care about age, race or skin color. Acne is simply everywhere. Many women fight acne on a daily basis and they've tried it all: vitamins, creams, cleansing lotions, antibiotics, naturist treatments and so on. But not enough women know that a banal contraceptive pill might change the way they look for the better. Diane-35 is such a contraceptive pill. The good news is that the pill works (not on every patient, but it still works!), the bad news is that is not available in all countries.

What makes Diane-35 so special? Its unique combination of elements that make it the perfect anti-androgen/estrogen pill for many women. Many physicians recommend this pill for birth control and against seborrhea, excessive hair growth on the body and face and acne. How does Diane-35 work? It contains hormones that inhibit the activity of the sebaceous gland, thus reducing acne and seborrhea. To see results you need to take a longer treatment - up to five or six months and continue the treatment for three months after this period, or as long as your physician recommends. Statistic: Diane works for more than 90% of patients.

As acne can have devastating effects not only on the skin and general appearance of a woman, but also on her self-esteem, medication like Diane-35 is more than necessary. What you have to understand is that you cannot just walk into a pharmacy and buy yourself a pack of pills. You should first go to your gynecologist or dermatologist to learn whether such a product is fit for you or not. Many women make the mistake of taking medication without prescription and they end up with bigger problems than just acne.

If Diane is not for you, you might want to try a product that is available without prescription. You know it already: Proactiv® a system recommended by a well known Hollywood star (Vanessa Williams) in various TV shows and dedicated commercials. Yes, "as seen on TV" applies for this product. But the amount of success stories - real success stories - is impressive. This is probably a product you can trust. Real dermatologists developed the product and it has already helped thousands of people around the world. Proactiv® contains benzoyl peroxide, sulfur and some secret ingredients blended in a formula that provides for a relatively fast acne reduction. The Proactiv® lotions and creams will unplug your pores and kill the bacteria that causes acne, while calming the inflammation.

If you opt for Proactiv® you should back up the treatment with vitamins A, B, C and E and minerals like zinc and chromium. You should actually take vitamins anyway, at least twice a week. Too many vitamins could be unhealthy. For example too much vitamin A can lead to liver damage. Vitamin A acts like an antioxidant, reducing the production of sebum and relieving the body of toxic substances. The vitamins from the B complex (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12) are also recommended for a healthy skin. If you like bananas and beer you have already two great natural sources of vitamin B (try beer without alcohol). Acne is an infection and vitamin C is great against infections and vitamin E helps repair the skin tissues.

Author Bio: - The author has been providing highly beneficial Acne Home Treatment and understands what it take for effective Acne Treatment and hence has shared some of the vital experiences through the article.

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