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Member Since: 12th September 2009
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


17th September 2009

Acne Possible Treatments

Acne is a serious problem. It doesn't affect solely women; it affects men as well. It doesn't choose its victims, doesn't care about age, race or skin color. Acne is simply everywhere. Many women fight acne on a daily basis and they've tried it all: vit...

17th September 2009

Herbal Acne Treatments: Why Choose This Natural Method?

Fact: Accutane is expensive and has some possibly devastating side effects. Another fact: Most people don't have the time or the inclination to keep up constant visits to the dermatologist office, let alone pay for each visit, and pay an arm and a leg for...

17th September 2009

Does Photodynamic Work For Acne?Does Photodynamic Work For Acne?

Of all the acne light treatments available in recent years, none has hogged the limelight so much than photodynamic therapy. Rapidly gaining more popularity everyday, short contact photodynamic therapy has become the new miracle treatment for people su...