Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips

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This is the desired breast shape that you want to get. Almost, your breast augmentation surgery is over, but you are about to begin the breast augmentation healing or recovery process. Here is what you can expect now.

After the completion of the surgery, you may feel sore and confused for at least two hours. It varies from person to person. Your vision may be blurry and you may be extremely sleepy. If you feel any unbearable pain, you can ask for a pain reliever.

You may feel chilled and start shivering immediately after the surgery. Usually this is due to the medications given during the surgery or it may also be due to the temperature of the operating room or ice packs applied to the breasts after the surgery.

Here are few tips for recovery after breast augmentation:

Apply ice packs after the surgery: Your surgeon usually recommends applying ice packs or cold compress on the breasts for 48 hours after the surgery.

Taking care of breast augmentation incision: Keep the incision area dry as much as possible. Usually the surgeon places Steri-Strips on the incision line and sutures. Don’t put any creams or lotions at the incision site because they can cause inflammation.

Take antibiotics: You should take all the antibiotics prescribed by your cosmetic surgeon. Discontinuing or not taking the drugs can lead to antibiotic-resistant infection.

Monitor your temperature: Observe your temperature regularly during the breast augmentation recovery. A rise in temperature can indicate that you have an infection.

Pain and soreness after the breast augmentation procedure: Recovery after breast augmentation depends on where the implants are placed. If the implants are placed over your chest muscles, there will be shorter recovery time and also you feel less pain. If the implant has placed under the muscles, you will feel more pain and has longer recovery period. Don’t take ibuprofen or aspirin until your surgeon says because they can lead to severe bleeding.

Bruising: Bruising is common after the breast augmentation surgery. You may take certain herbal remedies like bromelain or arnica to reduce bruising. If the discoloration exists even after several months, you can talk to your surgeon.

Daily regimen after breast augmentation recovery: Walking is recommended during breast augmentation recovery as it helps in eliminating blood clot. It is recommended to avoid strenuous activities and workout routines for at least 3-4 weeks after the surgery.

Swelling after breast augmentation surgery: Your breasts may be swollen for 3-4 months after the surgery. Drinking enough water and reducing salt consumption and participating in light workout activities can help to reduce swelling.

Breast augmentation Fullerton offers you best quality services. Make sure that you perform as much research as you can to find a qualified plastic surgeon Fullerton. Whether it is breast lift Fullerton or breast reduction Fullerton, finding a good surgeon is very much important.

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