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Articles, tagged with "losing weight", page 10

09th March 2010

New Year's Diets

As you might have guessed, the number one New Year's resolution made is related to "losing weight," trailed closely by "getting into shape." Of course everyone, regardless of age, wants to look and feel great. Diet and exercise certainly don't discriminat...

22nd February 2010

How Diet and Exercise Backfire on You

According to a little known branch of science known as physics, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. These days, many classic fitness techniques are under fire because of this simple law that we discovered some time ago. Some experts say...

08th February 2010

Diet Plans and Diets with the Glycemic Index

There has been much talk about the Glycemic Index (GI) and the Glycemic Load and its effect on your body and diets. First what is the Glycemic Index. The GI is simply a measure of how fast a certain food will raise your sugar in your blood. All foods a...

02nd February 2010

Assaulting The Metabolism, A Crime Against Your Body

In today's world it can be very confusing on the best way to lose weight that is right for you and your lifestyle. An example might be, you are not consistent with dieting. You have been in and out of losing weight programs over the years, you gain and lo...

29th January 2010

Your Metabolic Rate And Its Effects On Your Metabolism

The fact is, losing weight is not as simple as not eating fatty foods. There are many factors that go into losing weight the right way and being able to keep it off for the long term. Have you ever asked your self if why your friend's way of losing weight...

29th January 2010

The Basics Of Measuring Our Metabolism

The on going battles against unwanted fats have made many millions of Americans to turn to weight loss programs. After many years of exercising and on and off dieting on, they've realized that losing excess weight is something that they cannot do alone. ...

29th January 2010

Weight Loss Tips That Will Help You Beat The Bulge

Weight Loss Tips That Will Help You Beat The Bulge There is no easy way out of obesity but there is certainly a way to beat it. As a matter of fact, you only need to remember two words if you want to lose weight: Hard Work. Face the fact, there is ...

29th January 2010

Diet Pills And Your Metabolism

A few things about diet pills and your metabolism. Sometimes To lazy to sweat out and do some exercises? If not lazy, do you think it would be more convenient to take or swallow diet pills than boost your metabolism and do things the natural way? Diet ...

28th January 2010

Benefits Of Increasing Your Metabolism And The Flab Is Gone

There are a few ways that can help you to completely eliminate your unsightly flab. But, you'll have to stay faithful or otherwise, your flab will go absolutely no where.Did you know that the key to a successful weight loss is by mellowing down your metab...

27th January 2010

Gullible, Easily Persuaded, to Buy any Weight-Loss Product Before You Sample it

Weight-loss manufacturers stay in business by selling you their products, supposedly designed to help you lose weight, enhance your health, increase your energy and sculpt a body you'll be proud of and inspire your friends to follow your lead. And they...

25th January 2010

The Secret Revealed...Lose Weight With No Diet Plan

Do you think you can lose weight with no diet plan? I do. Call me lazy, call me unmotivated, I don't care - but you can call me SLIM. The simple truth is that I still lose on average 2-3 lbs a week and I don't have to sweat like "the crazy" at the gym, p...

22nd January 2010

Losing Weight At Home - Who Else Wants To Lose Weight At Home?

Losing weight at home is a way to gain long lasting health without going to the gym. I personally adopted this strategy as my own way to healthy weight loss after giving up my gym membership, and you certainly can do the same. If your interest is to und...

21st January 2010

Professionally Made Photoshop CS4 Video Tutorials

Once again Adobe have had an immediate success with their latest Photoshop version CS4, with an updated software package that will allow you to edit photos with even more precision. Many of the tools are not easy to find in Photoshop CS4, like the one for...

20th January 2010

Weight Loss Tips Keeping Track Of Your Progress

No amount of weight loss tips are going to be much good to you if you don't monitor and keep track of your progress. Now you can actually take out that notebook, binder, or folder you bought. Open your book and let's get started with compiling your own pe...

18th January 2010

Do Weight-Loss Products Manufacturers Think You’re Gullible, or Want to Sell You Short?

Which would you prefer, a manufacturer offering FREE diet samples, or one who doesn't offer any trial samples? Friend, some weight-loss products manufacturers don't want to sell you short. The ones that offer FREE diet samples have put their products t...

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