Author Details


Member Since: 21st January 2010
No of Articles: 5
About Me:


29th January 2010

Change Your Lifestyle A Rapid Weight Loss Must

Change Your Lifestyle A Fast Weight Loss Must Waking up in the morning and looking at the bathroom mirror shocked the living hell out of Melinda Crawford. After three babies, Melinda has developed bulges of fat in all different places of her body. I...

29th January 2010

Matching Matcha About Green Tea Powder

Matching Matcha About Green Tea Powder What is matcha? Matcha is a fine, high-quality green tea powder used for a variety of purposes. Grown exclusively in Japan, this stuff is definitely not something you'll come across for a penny or two a gram....

29th January 2010

Healthy Eating For Summer Weight Loss

Healthy Eating For Summer Weight Loss Winter has been unforgiving. What better thing to do during the cold season than to sit in a couch and munch on some goodies while keeping yourself cozy and warm? It seems like yesterday when you were strugglin...

29th January 2010

A Guide For Parents On Weight Loss Plan For Teens

A Guide For Parents On Weight Loss Plan For Teens It is a general knowledge that an obese child will have a greater tendency to become an obese adult. A fat kid may look really cute but a fat teenager usually gets the brunt of fat jokes in school and ...

29th January 2010

Weight Loss Tips That Will Help You Beat The Bulge

Weight Loss Tips That Will Help You Beat The Bulge There is no easy way out of obesity but there is certainly a way to beat it. As a matter of fact, you only need to remember two words if you want to lose weight: Hard Work. Face the fact, there is ...