Weight Loss Tips Keeping Track Of Your Progress

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No amount of weight loss tips are going to be much good to you if you don't monitor and keep track of your progress. Now you can actually take out that notebook, binder, or folder you bought. Open your book and let's get started with compiling your own personal database.

How Much Do You Weight?

It's important to have a reliable set of scales - but that doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune buying some or put off thinking about losing weight because you don't have any.

Although the balance scales at your doctor's surgery are the most accurate type, any fairly new set of bathroom scales should be reliable. If you don't have any scales, or ones you trust, buy the best you can afford. The main thing is always to weigh yourself on the same scales and at the same time of day.

Weighing yourself systematically means that even if the weight you get isn't the same as at your doctor's office or gym, it will reflect in relative terms where you began and the distance, kilos-wise, you've travelled.

Take a look at the numbers. Wiggle around a bit if you think it will help, but as soon as the pointer stops moving, write the figure in your personal database.

How tall are you?

No, there's no way this article can make you taller, but since you will need to know your height to figure out your BMI and find yourself on the height-weight table, you may as well measure yourself. Don't rely on what you think your height has always been. I spent the better part of my adult life thinking I was 5 foot nothing (approx. 1.52 m), but a few years ago I went to a new doctor, who measured me and informed me that I was |A 5 ft 1 in (1.54 m). Maybe I grew in my 40s, who knows? But it did mean I could get away with weighing a bit more before I had to call myself overweight.

The best way to measure your height at home is to stand against a wall in bare feet, with your shoulders back and head straight. Have someone slide a pencil across your scalp and make a mark on the wall. If you're on your own, make a mark yourself, being careful not to hunch your shoulders or move your head. Measure from the floor to the mark on the wall with a tape measure, then add the answer to your personal database.

What's Your BMI?

Take a look at a BMI chart. Find your height and weight, and locate the number where the two come together. Write your BMI in your personal database.

Is it under 20? You may actually be underweight. If your BMI is under 20 and you think you're fat, do not embark on any kind of weight loss diet without talking to your doctor.

Is it under 25? That means your weight is normal.

Is it close to 25? You are right on the border between normal weight and overweight. In your case, regular exercise and sensible eating can help you lose some kilos, get fit, and keep you on the safe side of the BMI table.

Is it 25 or over? If so, you are overweight and need to do something about it.

Is it over 30? If so, you are obese. If your BMI is over 30, you are a higher risk for many health problems. You may already have one or more disorders or conditions that not only threaten your health, but may require special strategies for diet and exercise.

Losing weight is all about monitoring and tracking your progress - otherwise how else are you going to know what works best for you? These free weight loss tips can help get help you lose weight and show you how to find out what works for you. And why not get started with a nutritious health juice diet.

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