Secrets of your dreams - The Power of Dream Translation

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In a day and age when everyone wants to make you an idiot who does not think before acting, a consumer that doesn't criticize want he/she is buying, a follower without an opinion, a marionette that can be easily manipulated, there is only one scientific method of interpreting dreams in order to get wisdom, power and freedom.

I will teach you the secrets of how to read dreams professionally and completely open your mind so that you are beyond the limits of your civilization.

My vision about the whole world and humanity can't be compared to limited visions of our scientific world. You can even have the same supreme vision and learn everything that took me 19 years of dangerous adventures, miraculous situations, predictions, impossible cures and research to learn, immediately. You just have to follow a simple dream interpretation method that is derived from Carl Jung's method who was the person that discovered the code to translate dreams very accurately and represents the actual meaning that the unconscious mind adds to the dreams.

The author of the dream is your unconscious mind, and an accurate interpretation will depend on understanding the intention of the author, at all times. Since dream images are used to give messages to the person dreaming, they are basically a method of expression. They create a symbolic language that is based on images, not words. As soon as you learn to read this language, you can communicate with your unconscious mind. You will ask questions and will get answers in your dreams. This continues to verify the protective mindset of the unconscious' minds guidance. This protects you from accidents, diseases, betrayal, poverty, craziness, despair and many other horrors that are a part of this world.

Dream translation is a different science, which was recently discovered. The future will have this method being used by all doctors so that they can learn everything about their patients. This gives you a lot of information. You get to see pictures of the happenings inside your brain & body in the forms of dreams and also gives you information on the s life of the dreamer.

This is why this is an alternate medicine. Your unconscious mind is naturally a doctor who knows everything about all organisms & gives directions to the person dreaming on what all they need to correct so that they may be rid of their physical problems as the health of your body depends on the health of your mind.

You will learn a lot about yourself if you translate your own dreams & you will also be able to learn everything about others as you can easily translate their dreams.

All that I have explained to you so far is just an introduction to this topic. The powers that come with translating dreams is unlimited.

There are a lot of other things that you can discover about dream translation. This gives you access to eternal knowledge & wisdom which in turn gives you enough power & superiority to make this a strong survival tool to use as you wish.

Christina Sponias Prevajanje improved on the research of Carl Jung into the psyche of human's, finding cures for many mental illnesses and making it easy to interpret dreams & teach you how to accurately translate your dreams to be able to find wisdom, health and happiness.

Luka Malgaj is the main editor of the Slovenian linguistics portal Prevajanje. Prevajanje is the main educational and informational point for linguists and translators.

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