Luka Malgaj's Articles en-us Homemade Ricotta Pancakes Recipe Homemade ricotta pancakes are delicious and easy to make and it doesn't take a lot of time to cook them. To prepare some tasty pancakes you will need few cheap and easy to get ingredients which you already have in your kitchen and if not you can easily ge... 25th November 2009 Homemade Chocolate Chip Raspberry Pancakes My favorite snack are homemade pancakes. I love experimenting with different tastes and ingredients and that is why recently I decided to make chocolate chip and raspberry pancakes. They are delicious, airy and fluffy and they are an excellent idea when y... 25th November 2009 Homemade Banana and Walnut Pancakes Recipe Homemade banana and walnut pancakes are one of the most delicious and sweetest ones. These pancakes are great when you have an appetite for something both airy and fluffy and of course tasty. To make these pancakes you don't need to have big cooking talen... 25th November 2009 The Importance of Culture in Translation Work Translation does not only involve translating text from the initial language to the other language one word at a time. This does not guarantee you quality in your translations as you can't express accurately the meaning of the initial text if the translat... 24th September 2009 Secrets of your dreams - The Power of Dream Translation In a day and age when everyone wants to make you an idiot who does not think before acting, a consumer that doesn't criticize want he/she is buying, a follower without an opinion, a marionette that can be easily manipulated, there is only one scientific m... 24th September 2009 How to make the best homemade pancake mixture? To make perfect homemade pancakes, you have to know how to make the ideal pancake mixture. Though it is not so hard, many of us simply give up and buy ready to use pancake mixes. But the truth is, that pancakes made from mix don't taste as good as the one... 28th August 2009 OSCE division and institutions - Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe Human Dimension Institutions of OSCE - The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) (established as the Office for Free Elections by the Paris Summit, 19-21 November 1990. Mandate expanded and name changed to Office for Democratic Inst... 25th August 2009 OSCE throughout the world. Their offices and activities. What is OSCE? It is Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. The world's largest regional security organization whose 56 participating States span from North America, through Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, to the Russian Far East. ... 25th August 2009 OSCE conferences from the establishment of organization until now Since Organization for security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was established there have been several meetings. 1.) Follow-up meeting in Vienna - 4 November 1986 - 19 January 1989 - much more clement international climate - human dimension - su... 25th August 2009 Introducing the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is the world's largest regional security organization whose 56 participating States span from North America, through Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, to the Russian Far East. Participating stat... 25th August 2009 Seven Factors to Consider - Translation Translators have brought this world closer than it really is. They help people with different language backgrounds to understand each other and to be able to communicate. Whether it is two individuals talking different language or a business associates ac... 21st August 2009 Internet Marketing Tips - Professional Product Translation As the global economies are opening up more and more people are interested in the global products. The key for marketers is to identify the International audience set and to woo them with world class products. The best way to proliferate the offerings of ... 19th August 2009 Selecting a Professional Translation Agency With the advent of Globalization, business houses are expanding their territorial reach. English is the internationally accepted business language. However when you are entering a non-English speaking zone, need to hire a professional translation agency t... 18th August 2009