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Articles, tagged with "19 years", page 1

11th December 2010

BlackBerry – Birth of new generation

Almost half of the world in today’s scenario uses the smart phone, especially who are in need for a better communication and easy business. We all used to dream of having a BlackBerry phone few years back, but now it is much easier to buy a BlackBerry du...

01st October 2010

Personal Tax Exemption

Every person who files a tax return is entitled to one personal tax exemption. The exemption should reduce a person’s tax burden and help them qualify for a tax refund. The only time you can claim a personal tax exemption is if a person claims you as a...

05th July 2010

How to Settle IRS Tax Debt For a Fraction of What is Owed

Do you have tax problems? Well you are not alone in fact I was exactly where you are last year and now I have a settlement that I can live with that takes care of my past taxes and allows me enough breathing room to pay and stay current with my new taxes....

13th May 2010

School Violence Put into Perspective

School shootings and classroom violence have captured the public's attention in recent years, starting with Columbine and continuing with a host of periodic school shootings that have taken place since then. The most recent is the shooting at Deer Creek ...

05th January 2010

Finally My Acne Is Gone

Hello my name is Tom Danowski, I am 19 years old and I live in Portland, Oregon (go Blazers!) and i have had an acne problem since i was 13 years old. I was always embarrassed to go to school or to public places. So when I was 15 My mother decided to buy ...

22nd October 2009

Anthony Robbins about Live: - He Just Gets Better & Better

I have been following Anthony Robbins for about 18 years or so now, with his books and in my time, cassette tapes. It was not until last year in May I decided to see him live in London to determine whether this peak performance coach was as good as his ta...

24th September 2009

Secrets of your dreams - The Power of Dream Translation

In a day and age when everyone wants to make you an idiot who does not think before acting, a consumer that doesn't criticize want he/she is buying, a follower without an opinion, a marionette that can be easily manipulated, there is only one scientific m...

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