Is Middlesbrough Really the Worst Place in Britain?

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Middlesbrough has often been cited as the worst place to live in the UK. But is that really true?

Understanding which of the UK’s towns or cities is the worst to live in can be quite subjective. Generally speaking, most surveys take into account quality of life and crime statistics, whilst other will have a somewhat more biased approach, looking at things such as eating habits and drinking levels. Whilst these may be unsavoury for some, these certain things will probably not have much of an effect on other people living there.

It was things such as health that found Middlesbrough being labelled the worst place in the UK in 2007. However, whilst other areas have just submitted to such labels, Middlesbrough fought back and it was this attempt to clear its name that stuck in people’s minds. So with just one year at the top of the poll, and that being partly blamed on the lifestyle of some residents, how does it compare today?

Well, it has one of the fastest falling crime rates in the UK, while in many other areas crime rates are on the rise. However, this may well be down to people taking note after the very public battering its image received. At the time crime rates were indeed high, with burglary over twice the national average. Since then more and more people have been installing home security in Teesside and it is these precautions and general awareness that have helped the figures drop. The number of Burglar Alarms in Teesside areas such as Middlesbrough, as well as other general aspects of home security in Teesside, have all risen dramatically, whilst the community seems to have generally just stuck together to shake this bad image.

So is Middlesbrough the worst place to live in Britain? It certainly doesn’t seem like it anymore. Just make sure you shop around for Burglar Alarms in Teesside before you move there.

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