Ronald Kresten's Articles en-us Making the Most of Your Phone Should you get a new phone, you will likely feel it is far superior to your old one and simply be happy with whatever it comes with. Likewise, with older phones, it is easy to think that there is little that can be done in way of improvement and feel it i... 16th May 2011 When Best To Wax That Bikini Line Whether you are opting for Brazilian waxing or just a simple bikini line wax, it is a good idea to know the best time to go for that waxing to avoid unnecessary discomfort and also to make sure you make the most of it. If you are having your wax before... 08th February 2011 Is Middlesbrough Really the Worst Place in Britain? Middlesbrough has often been cited as the worst place to live in the UK. But is that really true? Understanding which of the UK’s towns or cities is the worst to live in can be quite subjective. Generally speaking, most surveys take into account qualit... 07th February 2011 A Healthy Expression: Urban Art Urban art is such a broad term. Graffiti too can mean a 100ft piece of artistic genius or the scrawl that “Tomo Lvz Jen 4 Eva” on a public bathroom door. The proof is in the reception. Graffiti is, in most cases, rightly illegal. Of course that sounds a l... 28th January 2011 "Unusual" fancy dress costume secures first place Fancy dress is always a hit at social gatherings and it can add a whole new dimension to them. Sometimes, competitions are run to see which fancy dress costumes are the most effective, with prizes handed out to the winners. Such a contest recently t... 20th January 2011 How streaming affects how we watch movies? Certainly the internet has affected the way we watch movies. Over the past fifteen years or so, the percentage of people in the US using the internet on a regular basis has risen from 10% in 1995 to well over 75% today. The way we watch movies at home has... 24th August 2010 Wedding rings for men Traditionally, the wedding ring was brought for the bride to be by the groom as a token of love. Often the most expensive thing the young man had ever bought, fine diamond and gold wedding rings were also bought to symbolise his ability to provide financi... 23rd March 2010