Homemade Facials Are The Way to Go

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Essential skin care elements have not changed. Get plenty of sleep, keep your skin hydrated with a good moisturizer, and give yourself a facial once a week.

While facials or beauty masks are often associated with pampering for the relief, it does not need to be expensive and can be done quickly and easily from home. A weekly facial helps revitalize the skin, removing dead skin cells, deep cleansing pores and stimulating circulation.

While you can certainly purchase either clay or gel beauty masks, you might find them too harsh on sensitive skin. Besides, there's really no need when you can find the best skin care solutions in your local grocery store or supermarket.

Some of the best products to use for your face and neck include, oatmeal, bananas, avocados, yogurt or even milk. Mixing a little milk with oatmeal, for example, is a fantastic remedy for dry, tired skin.

Before applying your mask, thoroughly clean your skin, removing all traces of dirt and makeup. Rinse your face with warm to hot water to help open your pores and allow the mask to penetrate. Coat your face and neck with a thick layer of your mask, using circular motions to help stimulate circulation. Be careful to avoid the fragile skin around the eyes. Leave the mask on for about twenty minutes to thirty minutes.

While your mask is working, you may wish to lie back and relax with soothing sounds or your favourite music. A couple of cooled teabags or cucumber slices are good for covering your eyes while you rest. This will alleviate any puffiness and replenish lost moisture to the sensitive eye area.

When you are done, rinse your face and neck with tepid water to remove all traces of the mask. Avoid rubbing too hard, keeping the use of facecloths or buffs to a minimum. Once the mask has been cleaned away, splash cold water over your face several times to close the pores. Follow up with your favourite toner (if desired) and of-course, moisturizer.

A weekly homemade facial will keep your skin in top form, healthy, smooth, well hydrated and revitalized.

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