Facebook Marketing Blueprint To Generate Unlimted Amounts Of Leads...

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Social networking sites are just one of the best places for you to build a Network Marketing business. Where else can you go for absolutely Free and start build relationships with millions of people in one central location. Today I am a going to give you a step by step blueprint on how to generate high quality leads from the number 2 Traffic Site in the world 'FACEBOOK'... This advertising method is free and has help me to generate 10-15 people a day visiting my website or contacting me for more information about what it has that I have to offer.

This social media marketing plan will help to grow a network marketing business using Facebook, but this same strategies with work for any social networking site. These strategies are not given away all the time so pay close attention.

Top Facebook Strategies To Generate 5-10 leads Perday...

1)Create Your List: This marketing plan is going to start with creating a list of 100 or more Network Marketing companies. I can go into another training on why, but to have the highest qualified leads you want to target people already in network marketing. Yes they already have a networking marketing business, yet 97% of them are failing. So if you can show them how to have success which a lot of people are not doing, this will help you stand out from the crowd and if you follow my guidelines good percent of them will ask to join your business.

Your target market is not your friends and family, the best people to marketing to is people who are already looking for a network marketing opportunity. You can find these people in certain roups. If you would like at list of these groups feel free to contact me.

2)Join Groups: Begin by searching for at least four Facebook groups a day that are related to MLM companies. Join them and make sure you check off the ones you have join to keep track of your work. You do not want to join to many groups a day, because Facebook is really strict. If they feel that you are spamming in any sort of way they shut down your account.

3)Post: Start posting a brief advertisement on the walls of each group that you have signed up for. This is where you want to be creative to get people to visit your site. Make sure you follow these guidelines:

A) Make sure you DO NOT market your business opportunity...
B) Always give away valuable information...
C) Don't turn into a sales person and start pitching...
D) KISS Keep It Stupid Simple

You can start marketing your business after to you have been able to build a relationship with the people first. Please listen to what I am saying, if you lead with you business opportunity first, this whole marketing plan will not work and it will be a waste of your time. I will go into more detail in some of my other marketing trainings. At the end of each post you want to send that traffic to our website, and this can not be a company replicated website. This need to be your own personalized own landing page to grab their information and will promote you as leader in the industry. I you don't have your own marketing website than visit www.MlmSecretsToDominate.com

4) Add Friends: Start adding at least 20-30 new friends from the groups that you have joined. To really connect with that person you should write a quick message explaining where you have found them. Let the know that you are trying to connect with other people in the industry. This will let them know that you are in the industry and not their company. Do not go to fast while doing this take breaks at times so Facebook will not look at you as a spammer.

5) Start A Group: This is going to be one of the most important parts of building a relationship with your friends is starting your own group. This group should not the a group about your primary company. It should be about giving valuable information that can help out network marketers grow their business using marketing strategies. You want to start inviting all your friends to join your group and interact with your group by sharing marketing tips that will help them to be success in marketing. This is how will will start to have unlimited leads to work with using Facebook.

There are some more really top Facebook Training tips that will complete the rest of the facebook marketing blue print to generating 10-25 leads perday. If you want to recieve the complete training program that visit MLM Secrets To Dominate.

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