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Articles, tagged with "crowd", page 1

24th August 2012

You Can Sell Used Prom Dresses and Buy Cheap Ones Under $100

After prom seasons, thousands of used prom dresses hang in the closets of high school students. Prom is one of the most important events in a high school student's life. Even the most self-assured individuals, however, want to look great for their big nig...

21st February 2012

The Art of Pie Throwing

The act of pie throwing as a form of comedy has been a crowd favorite for many years. As a matter of fact, in film, pie throwing dates back to the early 1900’s, and even earlier on stage. Throughout history, many of the comedy greats like, Charlie Chaplin...

07th February 2012


In this mad rat race, everyone wants to be successful. Nobody wants to be left behind. People are tied up with work and have no time left for their interests and hobbies. Globalization has had an impact on almost every sector of the industry, then why sho...

12th October 2011

iPhone Apps for Kids : A new way of learning

With the increasing demand and popularity of the iPhone, it is no surprise that new applications are created everyday to cater to the growing population of iPhone users. iPhone apps not only cater the needs of parents but also targeting the kids as an...

07th October 2011

Celebrating a NYC Birthday? Try something new this year!

Have you been counting down the days waiting for your big New York City birthday to arrive at long last? Is your calendar marked up with big red X's as you anxiously await your special day? If you are like most people, you desire to celebrate the big day...

26th September 2011

Cool Jewelry At Great Prices And All Unique

It is always the way that most of us want to wear something that will be admired by all who see us. This could include our outfits of course, but when we wear some artisan jewelry, it is this that really sets us apart from the crowd. Anyone who has ever...

26th September 2011

Three Things You Must Know When Picking a Venue to Celebrate Your NYC Birthday

If you live in NYC, likely you have experienced trying to put together a successful birthday party that all of your friends will love, and that you will have a ton of fun at as well. However, you have also probably dealt with the stress associated with tr...

20th September 2011

Background tracks editing for Movies as well as television

How to cut backgrounds of films and Television On this article I'll explain the way to put together the background sounds tracks for the final mix. The background track are tracks of long sound effect that begin at a beginning of a scene and finish at...

19th September 2011

Rock Band IO - Making The Leap From Canada To Taiwan

I had the opportunity to sit down with the members of IO, a Taiwan indie band originally formed in Vancouver, Canada. The band relocated to Taiwan because it is "the launchpad for music in China and central focus of Chinese media." IO admits that, "Mus...

12th September 2011

Latest News Thriving On Competition

World came to existence a long time back. Since the time human came in to being world has been evolving faster than ever. Thanks to the creative mind God has blessed man with; he is seeking more ways of eliminating troubles. And with this power came the n...

01st August 2011

Motorola Mobile Phones – Moto gets wilder

Out of many at this point of time when the expenses are reaching the sky and the wants and desires do not come to an end as the technology is getting more inventions. Thereby one has to cut down the expenses at some part, to get all that is desired. M...

06th July 2011

What Is the Purpose of Embroidered Scout Patches?

Embroidered Scout patches are well-known symbols for the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America. These troops over the years have done a lot of work to improve the community and children’s abilities to survive in nature, and one of the biggest features of ...

22nd June 2011

Top Constellations Who Are Helpful in Career of Their Husbands

Behind a successful man, there must be a great woman. What kind of women could be the women behind the successful men? The followings are the top constellations: Top 1: Cancer Cancer is naturally kind, hard-working, kind-hearted, and family oriented,...

07th June 2011

Bal Bhavan International School In Dwarka

Bal Bhavan International School can be spotted from just about any angle in Dwarka, with its white and blue dotted glazed designer tiled architecture building amidst the lush green grass and vast open spaces. One of India’s premier institutes since 1967, ...

01st June 2011

Beautify your look with stylish Hair Accessories

One of the most beautiful woman's assets is represented by the hair. Hair and hair accessories are very important for women as they are very conscious about their looks and appearance right from their childhood. Hair accessories have become a real trend a...

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