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Member Since: 15th February 2009
No of Articles: 136
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16th December 2010

4 Tips In Preventing Raccoon Eyes - What Can Help Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Smoky eye make-up is quite popular today. But once you have stripped the layers of cosmetic products, you would not want to see dark smudges under your eyes. Dark circles under eyes, now jokingly referred to as raccoon eyes, can make your whole face l...

16th December 2010

Tips On How To Even Out Skin Tone And Get Rid Of Pigmentation Spots

Skin aging precipitates the emergence of pigmentation spots. If you are frequently exposed to ultraviolet rays, your integumentary system will keep on producing melanin to counteract the negative effects of UV rays. Since skin eventually loses its regener...

16th December 2010

Top Natural Remedies That Can Get Rid Of Age Spots

Removing age spots can be frustrating. Unless the production of melanin is stopped, the blemishes cannot be completely removed. You have to look for remedies that can really work deeper in your skin. Natural remedies have a way of inhibiting melanin p...

16th December 2010

4 Ways To Alleviate Periorbital Puffiness

Periorbital puffiness pertains to the puffiness of the skin tissues around the eye area. There are numerous reasons why this problem emerges. That includes lack of sleep, too much sleep, too much crying, eye infection and water retention. If you keep ...

16th December 2010

How To Alleviate Deep Skin Dryness During The Summer Season

Our skin experiences a lot of problems during the summer season. Aside from the harmful effects of the sun, other external elements such as pollution and toxins can make skin dry and dull. Moreover, we easily lose inherent fluid in the body because of the...

16th December 2010

Best Anti Aging Tips That Can Prevent Facial Wrinkles

One of the mistakes people often commit when dealing with skin aging is that they only act when it is already too late. They only care when wrinkles and fine lines have already shown up. Preventing those wrinkles from appearing is better than curing t...

16th December 2010

How To Protect Your Skin From The Ultraviolet Rays

One of the external aging elements you should be wary of is the sun. Don't get me wrong. The sun is beneficial to our health. Sun exposure is imperative for the production of Vitamin D in our body. This also gives us more energy and vitality. But like eve...

16th December 2010

How To Avoid Losing Your Skin's Firmness And Resilience

Nothing good lasts forever. That includes your firm and elastic skin. As you get older, your integumentary system loses its resilient and elastic structure. That is because the amount of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin produced by the integumentary ...

16th December 2010

Get Fresh And Vibrant Skin Even Without A Long Vacation!

Not all of us have the luxury of time. A long vacation only happens at least once a year. What is great about long vacations is that you can rest and relax. Everyone can see that the long break did your skin a world of good. Skin turns brighter and freshe...

16th December 2010

4 Things To Consider Before Buying Anti Aging Creams

My idea of an ideal anti aging cream is one with collagen-regenerating benefits, sun screen and emollient properties that can mimic skin moisture. But finding this cream is like finding a needle in a haystack. It is almost impossible. But here is what...

16th December 2010

Why Aren't You Using Natural Anti Aging Facial Moisturizers Yet?

Most people start using chemical moisturizers first. In the past, most products are riddled with chemicals, parabens and additives. I am one of those who don't really care what goes in the product I am using for as long as it will work for my skin. Bu...

16th December 2010

How To Avoid The Premature Appearance Of Chest Wrinkles

Most people only concentrate in keeping their facial skin young and elastic. The area below the chin is usually neglected. Ironically, the neck and chest areas are as vulnerable to the rapid appearance of wrinkles and fine lines as the face. If you are no...

16th December 2010

4 Bad Skin Care Habits That Is Making Your Skin Age Faster

Most of us go the extra mile in keeping our skin firm, resilient and young. We also tend to spend a lot of money for skin care products we believe are beneficial for our integumentary system. But certain skin care habits can actually break our anti aging ...

16th December 2010

3 Anti Aging Skin Care Habits You Should Practice

Keeping your skin young and healthy should become a daily habit. As you know, our integumentary system has to battle numerous intrinsic and extrinsic aging factors. In order to defy the aging process, it should become second nature for us to take good car...

16th December 2010

Best Treatments For Dark Circles Under Eyes Are Now Revealed!

Keeping the skin around your eyes bright and healthy can be difficult because of the appearance of dark circles under eyes. This is primarily caused by the leaking of red blood cells. When red cells leak to the surface layers of the skin, the red color of...