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Member Since: 15th February 2009
No of Articles: 136
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05th January 2011

How To Encourage Skin Renewal To Get Rid Of Facial Wrinkles

The top layers of the skin are quite vulnerable to the aging process facilitated by external elements. The sun, for instance, emits UVA and UVB rays that weaken and stress out the collagen fibers of the dermis. About 80% of the wrinkles that usually appea...

05th January 2011

3 Factors That Can Damage Skin And What You Can Do To Avoid Them

The skin can easily look old and tired. We are inundated with varying external and internal aging elements. More often than not, we are not even aware of the effects of these elements. The following are some of the factors that can damage your skin: ...

05th January 2011

How To Find The Best Cream For The Skin Around Your Eyes

The skin around your eyes is an easy target for the several signs of skin aging. Blame that on its naturally thin dermis layers. It can get easily damaged. Moreover, it is made up of tiny blood vessels that transport blood cells to the brain. If these blo...

05th January 2011

How To Avoid Excessive Skin Dryness During Winter

The chilly and biting wind of the winter season dehydrates the skin. It is not uncommon to experience parched dermis when the season gets colder. If you don't do something to alleviate dermis dryness right now, your skin will surely succumb to the rapid a...

05th January 2011

How To Fight Intrinsic Aging Factors

The causes of skin aging can attack you from all directions. Most of us just protect our skin from external aging elements. But have you ever stopped to consider the debilitating effects of intrinsic aging factors? Intrinsic aging is facilitated by ha...

05th January 2011

How To Make Your Anti Aging Regimen More Effective

Some anti aging products can only work for our skin to a certain extent. It will suddenly stop working. While it might be due to the ineffective ingredients incorporated in the product, do not be quick to rule out that it might be caused by improper usage...

05th January 2011

How To Lessen The Appearance Of Wrinkles And Fine Lines

Skin aging is an inevitable process our integumentary system has to deal with. As we get older, this system fails to produce the necessary dermis components that maintain the structure of young skin. The amount of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid pro...

05th January 2011

How To Avoid Rapid Skin Aging Caused By Cumulative Sun Exposure

Prior to this, did you know that the aging process happens faster when you are exposed to the sun? UV rays can damage collagen fibers and break down vitamin A inherent in the integumentary system. Moreover, radiation also causes a chemical reaction proces...

05th January 2011

Best Herbal Remedies You Can Use To Get Rid Of Pimples

Pimples can appear on skin without previous warning. More often than not, we don't even have time to prepare ourselves for their emergence. They are quite damaging to the skin. After the pimples heal, they leave dark marks behind. The appearance of pi...

05th January 2011

5 Secrets In Correcting Photodamage

Photodamage pertains to the damages your skin acquires whenever it is exposed to the sun for a prolonged period of time. While UV rays are beneficial to our skin, too much exposure to the sun can be very damaging. Ultraviolet rays damage collagen fibers a...

05th January 2011

Your Winning Guide In Having Firmer And More Elastic Skin

Our skin is naturally elastic and firm. Thanks to our integumentary system's reliable production of collagen and elastin, we can enjoy firm and beautiful skin. But as we get older, the production of collagen and elastin dwindles. The natural aging pro...

05th January 2011

3 Tips On How To Prevent Saggy Skin Condition

Our skin is made up of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. These are the three major dermis components responsible for the elastic and resilient nature of our dermis. That being said, the decline of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid levels will sur...

05th January 2011

3 Extrinsic Aging Factors You Should Avoid To Prolong Young Looking Skin

Our skin is constantly exposed to external elements. It is the job of the integumentary system to protect our internal organs from external elements. It is our front liner when it comes to receiving external damages. I am sure you are aware of numerou...

05th January 2011

Make Some Changes In Your Lifestyle To Slow Down Skin Aging

Our lifestyle affects the aging process of our skin. That being said, a few crucial changes to your lifestyle can actually help you have young looking skin for a longer period of time. I am sure you would want to look comparatively young looking even when...

05th January 2011

How To Improve Kidney Functions With The Help Of Herbal Remedies

Our kidney takes care of our excretory needs. It is responsible for purging out wastes in our body. If this malfunctions, your body will be plagued with toxins and wastes that will eventually lead to body poisoning. Most of us think that our heart and...