Best Herbal Remedies You Can Use To Get Rid Of Pimples

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Pimples can appear on skin without previous warning. More often than not, we don't even have time to prepare ourselves for their emergence. They are quite damaging to the skin. After the pimples heal, they leave dark marks behind.

The appearance of pimples can be prompted by excessive sebum production. If you have oily skin, you become more susceptible to the appearance of hard bumps. But these skin problems can also be caused by bacteria. Stress can also trigger the appearance of pimples on your face. According to experts, women who are suffering from hormonal imbalance are also plagued with this problem.

While there are numerous over-the-counter remedies that can help calm the skin down and get rid of pimples, there is no guarantee that they are going to work completely. I have tried a number of treatments and I haven't really found one that can treat and prevent. A lot of products also contain chemical ingredients that can make skin burn and tingle.

Perhaps this is the reason why I turned to herbal remedies. I have found herbal remedies far more beneficial in improving skin condition and preventing more pimples from coming back. Here are some of the remedies you should try:

1. Lemon - The juice of lemon contains citric acid. This acid can immediately dry up the bumps on your face. It also speeds up the surfacing of cystic bumps. I have also found out that using lemon at night can prevent more pimples from popping up the next morning. It even brightens up complexion and removes the spots left behind by previous dermis bumps. Just apply the juice of lemon on your skin at night. Leave it there for about 30 minutes before washing it off.

2. Witch hazel - This herb has antiseptic properties that can get rid of harmful bacteria that might trigger pimples or acne. This also heals damaged skin and soothes redness and irritation away. You can use witch hazel extract as a toner. Mix it with rose water and apply it on your face before going to sleep.

3. Green tea - This is best taken internally. While green tea has often been used as topically treatment, this works better when taken internally. It helps cleanse the system and prevent the accumulation of fats and toxins. If fats and toxins are removed, the production of sebum is controlled.

4. Tea tree extract - You can find a lot of pimple creams and toners infused with tea tree extract. That is because it can effectively dry up ugly bumps. It can also help prevent the future appearance of pimples. You have to dilute it in water first before using. The full concentration of tea tree extract can burn and sting.

I suggest using these effective remedies if you are dealing with ugly pimples. It is time to bring back the healthy structure of your skin.


You have to learn how to use Chinese herbal remedies properly before you start using them. Check out and you can find some instructions on how to administer herbal treatments.

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