Watts Power White Kit - Do People Say This Whitening System Actually Works?

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It can work just like clock work. Applying a top recommended whitener on your teeth will give you a brilliantly white smile. The same smile that you see every Hollywood star has those days. A system that states to have this level of teeth whitening is Watt Power White.

Watts Power White Home Kit

The new Watts Power White kit has been enhanced. It now includes a gel that is meant to be stronger than what came with the previous sets.

The new whitening gel works faster. You'll see your teeth improve a shade whiter after just one application. And every session after that you should experience more whitening.

How long do you use this kit?

With professional quality kits, the majority take under two weeks to the whitest possible smile. Using Watts Power Whitening Kit, it will take three weeks to obtain top results.

How Much Whiter Will Your Teeth Get?

Professional level home whitening kits can make your teeth 10 times whiter or more. This is where Watts kit basically misses the mark in our observation. The typical improvement is between 4 to 8 shades whiter. And thats after using their system for a week longer than other top recommended home kits.

How Is The Watts Kit Different From Other Kits?

Watts Power White is better than your conventional kits that you'll find at your local pharmacy store. And they also have gel packs that you can use to maintain your new white smile. This is a nice feature that many of the top recommended kits provide.

The Pros

Definitely makes your teeth whiter than using Whitestrips or whitening toothpastes
Supplied with easy to use maintain gels that help maintain the whitening results

The Cons

Not as effective as other top recommended whitening kits
Need to apply the gel daily for one week longer than other kits

Now that you're armed with this information about Watts Power White kits, you know that there are better solutions available to get white teeth.

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