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Articles, tagged with "white smile", page 1

07th February 2012

Tips and Products For a Beautiful White Smile

Having a beautiful white smile goes a long way in making you feel that you look your best! But if your pearly whites are no longer looking so white, there are many product options to whiten your teeth at home to get that healthy glow back and keep it with...

19th April 2011

The Multiple Merits of Ceramic Dental Braces

If there's one thing that we all want, it would have to be this: we want to be ahead. We want to be a little better than we were yesterday, the day before, or even five years before. We want to look back and know that we're getting things that we couldn't...

25th March 2011

Professional Teeth Bleaching

You want to look your best, and a great smile is an essential accessory. Although regular dental care is essential to your overall health, lots of people seek treatment for the cosmetic benefits of having a white, healthy smile. It's natural that the teet...

31st January 2011

Listerine Whitening - Does Anyone Think That Listerine Whitening Make Teeth Whiter?

Do you wish you had a super white sexy smile? Do you see the stars of television and wonder how they get such white teeth? New at home teeth gel kits are capable of given you ultra white teeth . A new type of strip called Listerine whitening strips may b...

31st January 2011

Watts Power White Kit - Do People Say This Whitening System Actually Works?

It can work just like clock work. Applying a top recommended whitener on your teeth will give you a brilliantly white smile. The same smile that you see every Hollywood star has those days. A system that states to have this level of teeth whitening is Wat...

12th January 2011

What To Look For In A Laser Teeth Whitening Specialist

Your teeth are one of the first recognisable features seen by someone else, and you know what they say about first appearances. Investing in a beautiful white smile will increase you chances of making a good impression on that first appearance. Laser teet...

27th October 2010

The Easy Way To Whiter Teeth

Everybody wants a vivid white smile and clean looking teeth. Things like coffee, tea and cigarette smoking can dull and discolour your teeth. Teeth whitening has become more affordable and easier to access than ever before. You can have your teeth ...

01st September 2010

The Best Accessory to any Outfit is a Beautiful Smile

Looking through old pictures of your high school or college days sure brings back tons of memories, and it also brings shock and awe to you when you look at what you were wearing! Remember tuck in shirts in waist high washed out jeans, big shoulder pads a...

08th January 2010

Common Knowledge is Not Always Common….3 Side Effects You Must Know About at Home Teeth Whitening

Like many celebrities, average people are putting themselves in the driver's seat when it comes to their image. At home teeth whitening products have evened the playing field to the sometimes elusive pearly white smile. Now, regular people have the ch...

06th January 2010

All About Teeth Whitening And What It Is All About

So what is Teeth Whitening really all about? The following report includes some fascinating information about Teeth Whitening--info you can use. Tooth bleaching, also known as tooth whitening, is a common procedure in general dentistry but most especi...

30th December 2009

Peroxide Teeth Whitening Methods Revealed

It seems that nowadays, everyone is getting into the teeth whitening craze. And with so many different products and techniques that are dedicated to the cause, it's somehow become a challenge to just choose one. Here is a short guide that will give you a ...

23rd December 2009

Whitening Teeth with Baking Soda

Today people are looking for the best way to present themselves before the general public. Their appearance gives an impression of who they are and what they want people to see about them. One of the first things that people see about you is...

23rd December 2009

Confirm Dental Implants Cost Before you Decide On the Procedure

The possible patient for implants is not alert of the dental implants cost when he or she decides to go for it. There are many people want this permanent treatment completed on them as it is far better than other forms of repairs and surgery. Although cos...

18th December 2009

Mark your first impression through Dental Bleaching Mumbai

Your teeth draw a great deal of attention and create a first impression on other's mind for ever. In fact, even you would have noticed a person with a white-sparkling smile. A clean-white smile can go a long way in making you as first in many. Lustrous te...

17th December 2009

Teeth Whitening Products

Teeth Whitener At HomeHow could you feel confident about yourself with stained teeth when you know your smile is not attractive? Everyone wants a nice pretty bight white smile because having dark stained teeth is not attractive at all. No one wants to ha...

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