Author Details

Jennifer Calder

Member Since: 09th January 2011
No of Articles: 2
About Me:


31st January 2011

Listerine Whitening - Does Anyone Think That Listerine Whitening Make Teeth Whiter?

Do you wish you had a super white sexy smile? Do you see the stars of television and wonder how they get such white teeth? New at home teeth gel kits are capable of given you ultra white teeth . A new type of strip called Listerine whitening strips may b...

31st January 2011

Watts Power White Kit - Do People Say This Whitening System Actually Works?

It can work just like clock work. Applying a top recommended whitener on your teeth will give you a brilliantly white smile. The same smile that you see every Hollywood star has those days. A system that states to have this level of teeth whitening is Wat...