Two Dating Tips: How To Exfoliate Your Dry Chapped Lips & Whiten Your Teeth

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Tip 1: How To Exfoliate Your Dry Chapped Lips

If you have dry chapped Lips, adding in one simple step might be all you need to get them in line. Exfoliating is an easy step that takes only a minute to do, a few times a week. Apply a thick layer of Vaseline to your lips. Using super soft toothbrush (kid's toothbrushes work great), simply rub your lips gently in circular motions. The toothbrush will exfoliate and the Vaseline will heal and hydrate. If you have extra Vaseline on your lips, you can tissue it off. Make sure you leave some one for added protection and shine.
Don't have a toothbrush on hand? Mix some sugar or coffee grounds into your Vaseline and gently use your finger to rub in circular motions.
For extra hydration, apply Vaseline to your lips before bed. Lips can get painfully dehydrated while you're sleeping, taking this step each night will greatly help.
Grab a bit of your blush and mix it with your Vaseline for a quick lip tint.

Tip 2: How to Whiten Your Teeth Easily

What is the situation of your teeth you have ever seen them? Have you ever seen that you teeth are becoming yellow teeth from white teeth ? What happened to your teeth which were considered as teeth whitening? Are your teeth still teeth whitening?

The answer is straight away now that your teeth are not always whitening. Because of the present nature and the continuous eating of many different food and also different products which are making our teeth whitening teeth dull and also making them dull or you can say that our teeth are becoming yellow teeth day by day. This is the problem of not only from one country it's the present situation of all country from world. And now every one in this world need a prefect teeth means teeth whitening they should shine and they should be clear and good.

You all know that if your teeth whitening is good you can smile good and also can impress many girls or other person, you may face the problem of hiding your mouth form friends or from your girlfriend if you don't have your teeth whitening. Right this is the real fact many of us are facing the same problem in our daily life.

Here are some of the natural techniques that men and women globally follow to carry out teeth whitening at home:
* Brushing their teeth with Bicarbonate of Soda (baking soda)
* Crushing strawberries and rubbing the crushed fruit on to their teeth
* Rubbing the inside of a tangerine peel on to each tooth
* Quitting smoking as well as eliminating tea and coffee, in combination with twice-a-day brushing
* Not using mouthwashes with fluoride because fluoride is a major cause of staining

Varying the natural techniques as well as using a home teeth whitening kit will produce great results. You could also get some really useful products to keep your teeth healthy, such as Lightinthebox or stores. But, using a teeth whitening kit will begin whitening your teeth within a few days and that is far quicker than any natural technique.

Want to know more gadgets good for your lips and teeth, you could go to some online direct store. These tools will help a lot, don't you think so?

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