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Articles, tagged with "vaseline", page 1

04th July 2012

Easy And Useful Body Care Tips

By Anil in Beauty
Your body is your temple and as you’ll keep your temple premises clean, the same goes for your body too. A dirty body is the house of a numerous health issues. You face skin and hair problems and also internally suffer from a lot of diseases. Obviously ne...

26th February 2011

Two Dating Tips: How To Exfoliate Your Dry Chapped Lips & Whiten Your Teeth

Tip 1: How To Exfoliate Your Dry Chapped Lips If you have dry chapped Lips, adding in one simple step might be all you need to get them in line. Exfoliating is an easy step that takes only a minute to do, a few times a week. Apply a thick layer of Vas...

08th December 2010

Kill Hair Lice Effectively

If you have a need to get rid of lice using the best head lice home remedies to kill hair lice, then take the task seriously and do it in a thorough and correct manner. If you are the one assigned the job of selecting the method or commercial head lice ...

13th October 2010

Vida Emanuel - Laser Hair Removal Beverly Hills

In Beverly Hills, laser hair removal is an increasingly common procedure. Laser hair removal in Beverly Hills proves to be more cost-efficient and more effective than traditional hair removal practices. Waxing is too painful for how frequently a perso...

26th November 2009

Easy Beauty Tips and Beauty Diet and Tips to Look Young

Everyone wants to look their best and as gorgeous as they can. Many of us spend a lot of money on branded beauty products and on many visits to the beauty parlor. There are a number of simple beauty treatments that we can use with things that are easily a...

15th June 2009

Remedies for Dry Skin

The lack of moisture in the skin causes cracking of the upper layer of the skin, thus fine lines and wrinkles appear. There are various reasons for developing a dry skin condition. Some of the causes are, but not limited to, living in a dry climate, hormo...

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