Tips to remember for a clear skin

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Anyone would be interested in obtaining clear skin, but unfortunately, it does not happen naturally for everyone. You can think of all those people just to maintain clear skin as the lucky ones. But for all of us who wish to get there, the good news is that it is possible with the right products and eating habits. Everything your skin needs to be healthy is basically oxygen. If you succeed with this much needed oxygen, then a smaller number of cells die, thereby improving the health of your skin, which in turn improves the appearance.

Here are some important tips to get clear skin:

1. Drink plenty of water. Water helps to purify your skin cells. It is better to drink a glass of hot water with a little lemon. Lemon juice not only acts as an antibacterial, but also helps remove toxins that may be in your cells.

2. Green tea is found to work as a good antioxidant, and it is better to consume a cup of tea with honey. Try not to use sugar if possible. One can also choose to tea with spices such as ginger or cinnamon. Such herbs will help to cleanse your body which in turn will help to clear skin too.

3. Try your consumption of leafy vegetables to increase. Leafy vegetables are lettuce, cabbage, etc. This helps protect the skin by nourishing. They also aid in detoxifying your system, as you probably know, is the first step to a clearer skin.

If you have acne problems, take one teaspoon of Aloe Vera, add a few drops of lavender oil and apply the mixture on the affected area. This not only treats acne but also prevents scarring bound occur after your acne starts fading. Do not do this more than a few times a week, because overuse can cause skin irritation or dry your skin out, making the healing process more difficult.

Other than those tips, and general health rule, it is important to foods high in trans fat should be avoided. The only effect of trans fat is to clog your skin pores and reduce the oxygen.

Visit for many more guides on clear acne free skin.

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