Think You Can Get a Six Pack before the Summer

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Have you noticed that the bikinis and board shorts are already showing up in stores? Are you looking at them with dread and considering your cover-up options? Or are you thinking positively and visualizing yourself on the beach or at the pool looking absolutely fabulous with rock hard, six pack abs, lean arms and not an ounce of visible fat?

You have time to make this dream a reality. The only thing you need is a great six-pack ab program!

What you DO NOT need are the two major mistakes people usually make when it is time to prepare for the swimsuit season. For one, many people try to achieve that gorgeous six pack look by doing hundreds of sit-ups or ordering ab gadgets and ab videos.

The sit-ups did not work and the ab machine probably ended up at your first garage sale. No matter how much you work your abs, if you do not burn the belly fat on top of the ab muscles, you will never reveal a six-pack look. You simply cannot spot-train the abdominals.

Another mistake is the idea that if you starve yourself or perform hours of cardio, that you will achieve the body of a fitness model. No. You will lose weight, but not the right weight.

When you starve your body and lose weight too rapidly, you end up losing lean body mass. Very low calorie diets end up lowering your metabolism and causing your body to store more fat. Couple this with demanding physical exertion on an already energy-depleted body, and you really do a number on your lean body mass! The result? A skinny, flabby, FAT physique!

The end result? You work your tail off only to still be embarrassed on the beach! I would rather work the right way and achieve a gorgeous, chiseled, six-pack!

The Truth About Six Pack Abs busts the common myths and mistakes and teaches you how to work smart, not hard to achieve a gorgeous six pack! Right now, you have plenty of time, but do not wait too long! Michael Geary's program is a great way to achieve the physique you want!

Though following a good nutrition and exercise program will take a bit of time, it does not have to be a painful experience like starving yourself or doing ineffective, back-breaking sit-ups. This six pack ab program is genius BECAUSE it offers solutions that can be tailored to your life. Before you know it, you will start to see that belly fat disappearing and the early signs of six-pack abs. The food is tasty and the exercises are efficient so they take less time.

Let me share one little hot tip that pro personal trainer Michael Geary offers in his book: Add green tea and oolong tea to your diet! Both teas are capable of increasing your fat metabolism and helping you burn more fat long after you are done exercising!

The exercise and nutrition program to achieve six pack abs will also help you achieve beautiful overall physique so that you will look awesome on the beach!

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