The Voice of ‘Everybody’

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In the United Nations, everyone speaks from the point of view of a particular country. Everyone is pushing their particular position, or supporting the position of some major power or power bloc. People speak based on their favorite ‘difference' - whatever distinguishes them from everybody else.

Everybody speaks from the basis of an identity related to some religious, cultural, social, or political institution. In all of that, the basis for what is said or promoted is the presumption of a limited identity that is less than the totality of humankind. But what about the planet? What about the huge collective of shared resources like the air or the sea? Why is there nobody thinking about being part of humankind first? Note that this does not require renouncing one's nation, one's birthplace, or one's particular citizenship.

Rather, it requires the discipline of always going beyond anything that puts the differences first - making them seems more important than the vast majority of similarities. Why not look at all human problems as part of humankind's inherently global concerns, without any other "angle" on it? After all, the polluted air we breathe is the same air that moves all over the planet. And the greed and stupidity of some people seems to have done a good job of wrecking the economy of the whole world. So who speaks for this good of the entire population or the planet?

Nobody - so far. The United Nations is just a big group of individuals speaking on behalf of their particular nation's interests. But this situation has to change - and change right NOW. The force of everybody-all-at-once must rise up and take responsibility for the affairs of the planet.

Gloria Applbaum is a Canadian living abroad who has studied Global Peace for years. She sees this as the turning point in all of human history where economic, environmental, security, and other global crises will lead us to the point of radical change, or catastrophe. World Friend Adi Da invites everyone to consider 'Not-Two Is Peace'- The Ordinary People's Way of Global Cooperative Order

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