Health Care-AARP Has It Wrong-Part 2

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AARP has it wrong and NARP-National Association of Retired People has it right. AARP appears to support a government health care plan that has not even been written… I ask why? Some polls show 80% of seniors' are not in favor of a total government health care plan. Still the AARP is in support of the governments' side instead of the side of its members. A new senior citizen group called NARP-National Association of Retired People supports the side of the 80% of the seniors' who oppose government run health care program.

As a senior myself, here is the problem I have with the opinion of AARP. They are supporting a health care program that has not yet been written and finalized. That would be like buying a house from an article in the paper without ever seeing the house. That is like having the real estate agent say trust me you don't have to see it because it is a real good deal, just sign right here. Some politicians in Washington and apparently AARP seem to think that it standard operating procedure. Isn't that what happened with the $787 billion stimulus bill that no one read? Are we seniors happy with that? Do we actually know what is in the stimulus bill? Do we know where that money is going? Will it be spent wisely? Is it presently getting the desired result? Is anyone in the country having second thoughts about all this spending? Does anyone in Washington or AARP really know what is going on or are they just going along with the party in power? We gave them a blank check with the stimulus package…we can not let that happen to health care.

As a senior citizen, I say this should have nothing to do with whether you are a republican or a democrat. This idea of changing the health care system is the biggest threat to seniors that has come along in my lifetime and obviously most of my fellow seniors feel the same way. It appears AARP thinks the giant government changes will be good for seniors. I have not heard one single thing proposed by anyone that will improve the medical care for seniors. However, I have heard many things that might make health care for seniors far worse than anything we have now. Most seniors are scared to death about the future of health care.

NARP takes the position "we do not want the government to take over of health care." We seniors do not want a health care system like England or Canada. We certainly do not want to accept a plan that the American people and most of our politicians do not fully understand. My fellow seniors are way ahead of the politicians on this subject. I think any politicians that vote for the government take over of health care will soon be voted out of office. AARP and Washington are not listening to the senior citizens of the United States of America.

Carl Wheeler ~ Author and Publisher of Six Saturdays a Week, A web site dedicated to the improvement of the quality of life as we age.

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Author and Publisher for Six Saturdays a Week, A web site dedicated to the improvement of the quality of life as we age.

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