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Articles, tagged with "politicians", page 1

28th September 2011

Relation of Crime and Political News

Crime is the black side of coin if society has two faces. Life may not be exactly as simple as segregating black from white but ideals are what keep forces motivated. We are expected to follow the norms meant for common good and whenever we deviate from t...

17th August 2011

Significance of Political news India in development

Sphere of politics seems to be excluding common person when everything about it just emphasizes on his very being, in general, the Public. The hordes of magazines address this very entity of System to appease the curiosity behind locked doors of politics....

25th July 2011

Web Varta is one of the leading news, content provider in India.

Web Varta is one of the leading news, content provider in India. Being news content provider around 1100 online and offline news papers approach web varta for their content. Price of subscription is quite low for low or less circulation newspaper.The incr...

23rd May 2011

IRS Tax ReliefCredit card debt Suggestions IRS and Private Debt Collectors

It can be very troublesome when you get behind on your taxes and have to be troubled about the IRS hunting you down. Hopefully these IRS tax relief/debt suggestions will support you figure some points out. In the beginning it can look like absolutely noth...

04th May 2011

Why Donald Trump Must Run For President

Our Government has now grown too large and too complex for any “politician” to manage.  As we have seen for a long time now, our Presidents just can’t seem to handle all the problems that our country has been facing. That’s because America’s major pro...

31st March 2011

The Downfall of the Justice System

There is a pervasive question lingering in the minds of many people today. It is the question of how we can reduce the ever increasing levels of crime and violence that plague our society. The usual answer to this question which is given by politicians a...

07th March 2011

It’s Time for a Budget Surplus Again

By ye in Politics
Just to put this into perspective, our national debt stands at about $14 trillion. According to the national debt clock on brillingTo put this simply, the federal government spends more money than it takes in. That’s called a deficit. When you do th...

23rd February 2011

News of the Christian kind

Christian News targets a larger audience than just Christians. But most people would turn their eyes away from Christian Newspaper articles because of the very title. These articles, in fact, are generally secular in nature and include a wide variety of...

21st February 2011

Paul Chehade - For The Unity Of Our Nation

(1888PressRelease) Without a doubt the new health law is an insult to the citizens of this nation the way is being expressed by our politicians if we take as real President Obama's speech to congress. Under the administration of president George W. Bus...

18th January 2011

Tax cuts for tiny business enterprise homeowners might be extended says President Obama

With all the holiday season coming, the Democrats and Republicans have determined to help keep the tax cuts from this and the previous administration. The next video recording was published because of the White Home these days wherever President Obama ...

20th December 2010

Government Takeover: They Want Your Money

The Liberals' Agenda Depends On High Tax Rates by Michael D. Hume, M.S. The politicians in Washington can always find something to fight about. As I predicted a couple months ago, their favorite battleground during this "lame duck" session of the o...

26th November 2010

What is the Future of Environmental Issues in Business?

Since the recession there has been plenty of debate about how consumers and companies will approach green issues now that times are tight. Many are arguing that environmental concerns are a luxury that we can no longer afford and that as people don't have...

24th November 2010

Promotional Products and Use

Advertising devices or items are commonly employed by businesses in order to increase the positive image of a business, a brand, or an event. These new solutions can be promoted in several ways, like through trade shows/venues, in-store promotion, or even...

22nd November 2010

How To Make Your Home A Green Environment

Creating green spaces has become a popular way to save money and help the environment, but a lot of people do not understand exactly what it means. They may think of expensive appliance replacement or they may assume it is something businesses or politici...

15th November 2010

Forecast of First Ten Days of November For The World

Forecast of First Ten Days of November for the World 1st November 2010 Monday: Today share and stock market will improve. Particularly iron skips rates will go high. For common man it’s a normal day. On political front things are not that good. P...

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