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Articles, tagged with "politicians", page 3

12th April 2010

“Price Gouging” = Nonsense

Politicians like to condemn and attempt to outlaw "price gouging," whatever that is... A great example of this lies in the aftermath of Katrina, when prices for gas and water in New Orleans rose fairly sharply. Politicians were quick to bad-mout...

29th January 2010

Hungry and angry with Mar

The vice presidential bid of Mar Roxas is doomed because he cannot even get the support of the people of Capiz, the province which had the misfortune of having him as congressman for nearly a decade starting in 1993. According to JP Anthony Cuñada,...

04th November 2009

A scary story - the public option?

Why is Congress so afraid of the public option as part of health reform? Why are politicians getting so worked up about a system that every other Western country already has, and which works so well in all of them? Why do they not want to extend Medicare,...

30th October 2009

Is the Politician Your Friend?

"For although the means of coming into power differ, still the method of ruling is practically the same; those who are elected act as if they were breaking in bullocks; those who are conquerors make the people their prey; those who are heirs plan to treat...

28th October 2009

"We Mutually Pledge....

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." The Declaration of Independence. July 4, 1776 recite this again...

13th October 2009

Health Care-AARP Has It Wrong Part 3

AARP has it wrong and NARP-National Association of Retired People has it right. Why does AARP think a government take over of health care could possibly be good for seniors? The system will be over loaded with patients resulting in a shortage of doctors. ...

05th October 2009

Health Care-AARP Has It Wrong-Part 2

AARP has it wrong and NARP-National Association of Retired People has it right. AARP appears to support a government health care plan that has not even been written… I ask why? Some polls show 80% of seniors' are not in favor of a total government healt...

23rd September 2009

Free Book "The Secrets Of Becoming Rich In A Recession"

The Secrets Of Becoming Rich in a Recession Do you ever dream of being "rich" and having the life of your dreams without the constant worry of paying ever increasing bills? Now you can really discover how to have the lifestyle of your dreams and d...

10th September 2009

Can the Political Party Help You?

Can the Political Party Help You? By Punkerslut We are all members of society. We each have an equal right to the decision-making process for how our society is organized. But many people who want to change society are using the political party. ...

06th September 2009

Taxes, Extortion, Bullies & the Browns

It is my opinion that taxes are nothing more than extortion. The income tax is especially heinous. I see no difference between the government demanding money from me and telling me if I don't pay a band of armed men will come into my house, kidnap me and ...

06th September 2009

Ron Paul Promises Nothing

Politicians make a lot of promises to a lot of people. That's just the nature of the beast. They pander to the lowest common denominator in order to try to get votes. The politicians in this presidential contest are no different. They make promises they m...

25th August 2009

Sealdah, Bowbazar by-polls!

By in Politics
As expected, Trinamool Congress, the main opposition party in West Bengal has own both the Sealdah and Bowbazar Assembly seats, where by-polls were held on August 18. Though the pre-poll phase was quite eventful which saw a tussle between the Trinamool Co...

11th July 2009

What can politicians learn from bloggers

There a lot of things that politicians can learn from professional bloggers. Here are a few things to explore. Politicians around the world are constantly striving to find ways and means to get an edge over their competitors in order to get elected to ...

30th June 2009

Andorra Outwits G20

Working and living in an income tax free country is something a lot of people imagine could only be a dream - it would need an efficient government with politicians who didn't see every business and every citizen as a taxable opportunity. Even in the 1...

20th May 2009

Use Craigslist Responsibly by Using Reverse Phone Lookup

Ever since the Craigslist killer, the world - and the Internet - is abuzz with negative talk about Craigslist. It's understandable that people would panic and politicians would want to be seen to be doing something about the issue. The reasonable solution...

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