Author Details


Member Since: 10th August 2009
No of Articles: 6
About Me:


06th October 2009

The Voice of ‘Everybody’

In the United Nations, everyone speaks from the point of view of a particular country. Everyone is pushing their particular position, or supporting the position of some major power or power bloc. People speak based on their favorite ‘difference' - whate...

17th September 2009

A Peace Lesson From Christ (Actually, Three Christs!)

We've all heard of the crazy types who think they are Jesus Christ, or Napoleon, or some other famous person. What if you actually brought a few of these people into the same room and introduced them to each other?! Well, that is exactly what Milton Ro...

15th September 2009

Avoiding Global Crisis - The Termination of Life on Earth

It is a universal principle that all systems spontaneously righten, or balance, themselves. The rain falling from the sky will naturally seek out the most stable arrangement - it won't sit around too long on the peak of the hill! Of course, this process c...

29th August 2009

Who Speaks For Everybody?

In international affairs, just about everyone speaks from the point of view of a particular country, or race or religion. Everyone is pushing something based on their favorite ‘difference' - whatever distinguishes them from everybody else. Everybody...

20th August 2009

The Most Destructive Period of Global War and Crisis Ever – or A New Politics Based on Prior Unity

Humankind is in the position, right now, to make some very important judgments about life, and about the relationships between people--and about the nature of Reality Itself. The results of that judgment, will lead to catastrophic war and environmental di...

18th August 2009

World Peace – A Global Necessity For The Present World Crisis, Not a Question

It's not unusual to hear people talk about world peace as impossibility, or at least, if you dig down a bit, you will find that's what they think. Perhaps the search for peace will always end in failure. But the active statement of one's commitment to pea...