The Most Common Myth Regarding Professional Beauty Products

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As a stylist, I constantly shoot myself in the foot regarding retail sales. But I really can not stand to see good people spend hard earned money on products that they do not need or can pay less for and achieve the same results. Many think I am crazy for telling people this, but selling my services are what pay the bills, NOT the sale of retail products. My honesty has gained me hundreds of repeat clients through the years and I had much rather have a client coming in once a month for a trim or color than every other month to buy a bottle of shampoo. You get the drift.

When it comes to shampoo, conditioner and styling products just because it comes from a salon does not make it any better than products you can buy in a discount retail store. Shampoo is a detergent no matter how you package it. Conditioner is just what it says and the same goes for styling products. The only difference is that salon products are more concentrated and will last longer. In the end, the costs really figure out to be the same for salon and regular retail products. So my advice is to use whatever works best for you and the products you like.

There is one area that I have to say that salon products are better and that is COLOR. The reason I say that is, professional products are formulated under strict guidelines in the industry to insure that salon professionals will achieve the same color results every time. The colors you can buy over the counter are not as regulated and can truly vary from bottle to bottle. How many times have you bought the same home color and gotten a different result almost every time

If you have your hair colored professionally and would like to do it at home, you might consider talking to your stylist about it. They might be willing to send you home with your color and specific instructions on how to use it. I have done this for many of my clients and truly do not mind doing it. I would rather my clients have what they are used to and be satisfied with their result than have them buy a product off the shelf and call me the next day saying they have pink or bright orange hair.

Use your best judgement regarding your hair products and use what you like and what works best for you.

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