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Articles, tagged with "strict guidelines", page 1

09th September 2011

Specialized Residential Programs for Concerned Teenagers in St Petersburg

Worried youths struggling with motivational and self-esteem issues often find success through a planned, emotional growth with a family and these youth Christian institutes environment. In the changing of physical, and mentally in youngsters life gives th...

23rd August 2011

The Popularity of Sunbeds is Rising

The popularity of sunbeds is rising, fuelled by unpredictable weather, time constraints and an increasing desire to have an even, all-over tan. Sunbeds have had to overcome a bad reputation following years of misuse by avid fans. Today, armed with infor...

04th July 2011

Structuring Your Company In The Most Tax Efficient Way

It is all too common for Small to Medium Business owners to get swallowed up by their own company; you have all heard the term 'working in the business, not on the business', and I can certainly relate to that. So who gets time to look at the nitty-gri...

23rd March 2011

Aleef-History of George Aleef

Being an artist in Russia has not been an easy task for the past century and a half. Since 1920, when Soviet Rule began, the censorship and strict guidelines prohibiting negative portrayals of the government made artists true voices impossible to be heard...

14th January 2011

How Does Divorce Mediation Work

Now the people can easily fetch the records from this database to evaluate or analyze the divorce record of any individual. However, to obtain the data one has to follow some strict guidelines and sometimes prescribed fee, imposed by the authorities. The ...

08th February 2010

5 Popular Tactics Used by Dishonest Tax Resolution Companies

To help consumers avoid being taken advantage of by these companies, the attorneys of Roni Deutch, A Professional Tax Corporation have put together a list of five alarming tactics employed by some of these companies that you should be wary of before you r...

25th November 2009

The Most Common Myth Regarding Professional Beauty Products

As a stylist, I constantly shoot myself in the foot regarding retail sales. But I really can not stand to see good people spend hard earned money on products that they do not need or can pay less for and achieve the same results. Many think I am crazy for...

11th May 2009

How To Go About Asbestos Disposal

The numerous strict guidelines from our government regarding asbestos disposal just prove how dangerous is this substance to human health. From simple warts, asbestos can also cause cancer. This explains why asbestos waste disposal is a sensitive job and ...

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