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Articles, tagged with "health care reform", page 1

11th February 2011

Top 10 Political News of 2010

2010 had been an eventful year for America in politics. The Obama administration continues to face challenges; Democrats and Republicans made triumphs and compromises, and the Tea Party Movement grows stronger. Here's a review of the top 10 news of 2010. ...

07th January 2011

Government Takeover Continues Its Deaf March

Obama Delegates The Listening To His "Friend" Bill by Michael D. Hume, M.S. If you haven't yet made your move to start your own business and grow and protect your wealth, you need to get on it. President Obama and his liberal colleagues in the U.S....

03rd December 2010

How the Republican Majority in the House will Impact US Tax Law

Leading up to the election last week, Republican candidates promised serious tax law changes in the next two years. However, since Democrats retained control of the Senate, many are wondering which, if any, of these promises will actually come to fruition...

17th November 2010

FOX’s Cognitive Dissonance of Barack Obama

Cognitive dissonance is a conflict or anxiety resulting from inconsistencies between one’s beliefs and one’s actions or other beliefs. No mistake made, what Barack has done, and will do is great for America. Including the stimulus and health care reform. ...

11th November 2010

Health Care Disinformation and FOX News Logic

A recent Op-Ed in The New York Times offers a thorough response to the lies coming from conservatives about health care reform, and in doing so it delineates how Republicans consistently incorporate what I like to call “FOX News Logic.” To start with t...

09th November 2010

The Tea Party Does Not Really Care About the Budget Deficit

A recent New York Times article exposing the contradictory claims of the G.O.P.’s “call” for cuts is stunning, even though it reports what anyone paying attention to the news already knew. Riding the wave of populist anger at a perceived draconian govern...

01st October 2010

How Will your Taxes Change when Health Care Is Instituted?

Two health care reform bills became law in the United States in March of 2010. The first, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was enacted on March 23. This was then followed seven days later by another bill, The Health Care and Reconciliation A...

12th August 2010

The State of the Economy Will Determine the Outcome of 2012 Election

As we quickly approach the current Administration's mid-term, an increase in focus on likely scenarios for the 2012 election pick up steam. With less than half of his term complete, President Obama's team must already look ahead to 2012 and what it will t...

04th August 2010

Roni Deutch Explains the Tanning Tax

When President Obama signed the health care reform bill, it signaled the beginning of dozens of tax law changes. Some gradual tax increases are scheduled over the next few years, while others took affect immediately. To help those looking for more informa...

30th April 2010

The Pros and Cons of Taxes on Carbonated Beverages

With the recent passage of Obama's health care reform bill, two topics have been in the news frequently: tax increases and the health of American citizens. One such tax increase is the so called "soda tax" which have been mentioned in Congress multiple ti...

29th April 2010

Key Provisions and Individual Tax Provisions you Need to be Aware of

Key Provisions and Individual Tax Provisions you Need to be Aware of Do you know what the key provisions and individual tax provisions are that were recently added to the Health Care Reform in March of 2010? Most people don't yet understand what these ...

19th March 2010

Kennedy Even Praised By Opponents

In the aftermath of the death of Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, everyone's attention in Boston has now been directed to the public wake, an outporing of sympathy and praise from across the state and the nation and from around the globe. Starting l...

12th March 2010

Down the Health Care Homestretch, White House Pitches Talking Points to House Democrats

On the verge of the most fateful week in the life of President Obama's signature domestic initiative, the White House on Tuesday told House Democrats exactly what to say to sell the idea of health reform -- even as they know the final package of reforms...

08th January 2010

2010 - The Year With No Estate Tax

At the end of 2009, the U.S. Senate attempted to decide the fate of the estate tax. Unfortunately, members of Congress failed to pass any type of change to the laws surrounding this tax, which will likely create a mess over the next few years for anyone i...

21st December 2009

Holiday Etiquette: Regifting is tacky

by Lyudmila Bloch, Etiquette Expert NYC How to be a gracious guest at a Holiday Party: essential tips for a well-mannered adult 1. Don't bring an "uninvited guest" to a holiday party. Clear this issue with your hostess, prior to your arrival. Leav...

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