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Articles, tagged with "health care reform", page 2

02nd December 2009

Tax Implications of the Affordable Health Care for America Act

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed HR3962: the Affordable Health Care for America Act of 2009. The legislation is thousands of pages long, making it difficult for regular taxpayers to understand how the bill will affect them. Tax Penalt...

25th November 2009

Jobs - Permanent Jobs - Millions Of 'Em

Communist China, 1995--- the dawn of capitalism. The Hong Kong based guide talked about the free enterprise zones, building projects, golf courses, and roads with a chest full of pride and visible excitement. Capitalism was everywhere along the tour r...

24th November 2009

Quotes From HR-3962 the House

On October 29, 2009 the House released their latest version of the health care reform bill. This was a merger of three bills that were previously being debated in the House. In this article you will find direct quotes from the bill with page and line numb...

23rd August 2009

Health Care Reform or Welfare Program--- Who Pays the Bill?

The White House has released another of its health care reform clarification emails--- there will be more. It seems strange to me that the focus is on insurance coverage rather than on the spiraling costs of health care itself. Frankly, the drafters o...

27th March 2009

Media Training: Barack Obama and the Hypothetical Question

When President Obama held his second prime time news conference his goal was to project and sense of hope that things economic were starting to look better. "What I'm confident about," he said, "is that we're moving in the right direction." I'll leave it ...

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