Author Details

New York Etiquette Guide

Member Since: 23rd October 2009
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


21st December 2009

Holiday Etiquette: Regifting is tacky

by Lyudmila Bloch, Etiquette Expert NYC How to be a gracious guest at a Holiday Party: essential tips for a well-mannered adult 1. Don't bring an "uninvited guest" to a holiday party. Clear this issue with your hostess, prior to your arrival. Leav...

14th November 2009

Why teach business etiquette to new hires?

by Jeremy Willinger You wrote a good cover letter, aced the interview, accepted their offer, and are excited about your new job. Yet, before any new hire moves into their first cubicle or corner office, it is imperative that they know the unique set of...

14th November 2009

Who is at fault? Spoiled brats, or parents without manners?

by Lyudmila Bloch, Etiquette Expert NYC We all love them - those charming, adorable, cute, irresistible, delightful, walking-and-talking creatures known as toddlers. We parents are mighty proud of them when they mumble their ...